我正在尝试使用 fork、exec 在 perl 中启动 android 模拟器。之后我也需要杀死它,但杀死它会导致僵尸进程在后台运行模拟器。
我试过用kill -1
askill -9
和杀死killall -v emulator
。我还尝试通过附加显式 exec("exec command ...") 来执行 exec,但无论哪种方式,我都会得到一个僵尸进程,直到 perl 脚本运行。
my $CMD;
my $PID;
sub waitkey()
local( $| ) = ( 1 );
print "Press <Enter> or <Return> to continue: ";
my $resp = <STDIN>;
$CMD = "emulator -avd audit -no-snapshot-save";
# $CMD = "exec emulator -avd audit -no-snapshot-save";
$PID = fork();
if ($PID==0)
print "forked!\n\n";
die "Unable to execute";
print "PID: $PID\n\n";
print "------ Processes before killing -----\n";
print `ps aux | grep emulator`;
print "------ Press a key to kill -----\n\n"
# `kill -1 $PID`;
`kill -9 $PID`;
print "------ Processes after killing -----\n";
print `ps aux | grep emulator`;
print "----- waiting ... -----\n";
#-- do somehing here with assumption that emulator has been killed --
------ Processes before killing -----
qureshi 10561 0.0 0.0 3556 980 pts/5 S+ 13:28 0:00 emulator -avd audit -no-snapshot-save
qureshi 10562 0.0 0.0 4396 616 pts/5 S+ 13:28 0:00 sh -c ps aux | grep emulator
qureshi 10564 0.0 0.0 13580 928 pts/5 S+ 13:28 0:00 grep emulator
------ Processes after killing -----
qureshi 10561 30.0 0.0 0 0 pts/5 R+ 13:28 0:01 [emulator64-arm]
qureshi 10619 0.0 0.0 4396 612 pts/5 S+ 13:28 0:00 sh -c ps aux | grep emulator
qureshi 10621 0.0 0.0 13580 932 pts/5 S+ 13:28 0:00 grep emulator