org-mode 处理:sessionEmacs24.1 和 Emacs24.3 之间源代码块中的参数的方式是否发生了重大变化?我无法再运行持久的 python 会话,而我曾经能够。例如,像这样的东西曾经在 Emacs24.1 中工作

#+BEGIN_SRC python :session sample
x = 12;

#+BEGIN_SRC python :results output :session sample
print "x =", x

: x = 12

但是在 Emacs24.3 中,第二个块会抛出一个错误,说x是未定义的。谁能给我解释一下?


1 回答 1


This is apparently a known problem among the org-mode developers. It seems to have arisen only very recently. It is not yet known what caused it to suddenly break.

One could expect the fix to be included in the current beta version of org-mode: the to-be version 8.0.

于 2013-03-27T03:03:24.697 回答