我正在使用 chrome 25 和最新版本的IDBWrapper。
var countryStore = new IDBStore({
dbVersion: version,
storeName: countryTable,
keyPath: 'id',
autoIncrement: true,
onStoreReady: function () {
console.log('Country store ready, go ahead!');
americanGivingDB.countryStore.count(function (result) {
console.log("The amount found in the countryStore was " + result);
if(result == 0){
initializeCountryStore(countryStore, countryDeferred);
} else {
indexes: [ {name : "areas", keypath: "area", unique: false, multiEntry:true}, {name: "years", keypath: "year", unique: false, multiEntry: true}]
for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var fields = lines[i].split(", "); // Comma-separated values
valueToAdd = {
id: id,
area: fields[0],
program: fields[1],
year: fields[2],
amount: fields[3]
operations.push( {type: "put", value: valueToAdd});
countryCSVxhr.onload = function(e) {
console.log("onload found number of operations to add are " + operations.length);
status("country dataset downloaded, adding to local storage.");
db.batch(operations, function (result) {
status("finished loading the country table");
console.log("finished loading the country table");
americanGivingDB.countryStore.count(function (result) {
status("country dataset added to local storage");
console.log("The amount found in the countryStore was " + result);
}, function (error) {
console.log("error", error);
americanGivingDB.countryStore.query( function(results){
//console.log("finished querying the store " + results);
var returnString = "";
for(var i = 0; i < results.length; i++){
returnString = returnString + results[i].area + " \n";
console.log("the area names are: \n" + returnString);
index: "areas",
keyRange: americanGivingDB.countryStore.makeKeyRange({
upper: "Z"
filterDuplicates: true,
onError: americanGivingDB.onErrorHandler
它返回一组空的结果。当我检查 chrome 内的资源时,索引是空白的,我不确定它们是否应该是。