I have joomla installed on my brothers server using softaculous in cpanel. But my brother removed all the categories, articles and sections on joomla that came with sample data. Now that i got access, i don't know how to do stuff without sample-data. I want to write things and continue with content management. But the problem is i have no knowledge of joomla. I don't know how i can write content for his site.

Is there any tutorial, guidance for starting joomla from scratch(that includes categories,menu,articles etc). I tried official visual help pdf. But got confused as there is no menu,articles and categories,section so it's tough to visualize in empty area in joomla.

Any help with steps to start with joomla from scratch ?


2 回答 2


以下是 Joomla 组织结构的高级概述:


页面上的其他地方可以是称为模块的小数据片段,这些模块包含所有其他非主要内容的文本。这包括页脚文本、RSS 提要显示和菜单项的显示。

一旦在管理方面创建和组织了内容(文章),就需要设计导航结构。Joomla 有包含菜单项的菜单容器。一旦你创建了一个菜单容器,你必须创建一个模块来告诉 Joomla 在页面上的哪个位置放置它(大多数模板都有不同的区域来放置模块,围绕主要内容),所以它会被显示。


于 2009-10-22T18:46:38.103 回答

如果您愿意购买一本书,Barrie North 的“Joomla!1.5:用户指南”将引导您从头开始使用 Joomla 建立一个站点。这是我向所有新手朋友推荐的。

于 2009-10-21T19:44:51.087 回答