(check-expect(2-list empty (list 3 4)) empty)
(check-expect(process-2-lists (list "nice" 'blue) empty)(list "nice" 'blue))
(check-expect(process-2-lists (list "nice" 'blue 5 10 5 'blue 5) (list "nice" 5 5 'red "wow")) (list 'blue 10 'blue))
(define (process-2-lists l1 l2)
(cond (<???> ; if the first list is empty
<???>) ; then we return the empty list
(<???> ; if the first element in l1 is not in l2 (*)
(cons <???> ; then we add it to the result using cons
(process-2-lists <???> l2))) ; and advance the recursion
(else ; otherwise
(process-2-lists <???> l2)))) ; advance the recursion adding nothing
请注意,我们只需要遍历其中一个列表,我们需要另一个来检查它。这里的关键线是用 标记的那一条(*)
过滤列表 b 中的项目。
(lambda (item)
(not (member item b)))