
我已经用谷歌搜索这个异常好几天了,经历了几个谷歌小组讨论,并没有想出调试的解决方案HDFStore Exception: cannot find the correct atom type。我正在阅读一个简单的混合数据类型的 csv 文件:

Int64Index: 401125 entries, 0 to 401124
Data columns:
SalesID                     401125  non-null values
SalePrice                   401125  non-null values
MachineID                   401125  non-null values
ModelID                     401125  non-null values
datasource                  401125  non-null values
auctioneerID                380989  non-null values
YearMade                    401125  non-null values
MachineHoursCurrentMeter    142765  non-null values
UsageBand                   401125  non-null values
saledate                    401125  non-null values
fiModelDesc                 401125  non-null values
Enclosure_Type              401125  non-null values
Stick_Length                401125  non-null values
Thumb                       401125  non-null values
Pattern_Changer             401125  non-null values
Grouser_Type                401125  non-null values
Backhoe_Mounting            401125  non-null values
Blade_Type                  401125  non-null values
Travel_Controls             401125  non-null values
Differential_Type           401125  non-null values
Steering_Controls           401125  non-null values
dtypes: float64(2), int64(6), object(45)


In [30]: store = pd.HDFStore('test0.h5','w')
In [31]: for chunk in pd.read_csv('Train.csv', chunksize=10000):
   ....:     store.append('df', chunk, index=False)

请注意,如果我store.put在一次导入的数据帧上使用,我可以成功存储它,尽管速度很慢(我相信这是由于对象 dtypes 的酸洗,即使对象只是字符串数据)。

是否有可能引发此异常的 NaN 值注意事项?


Exception: cannot find the correct atom type -> [dtype->object,items->Index([Usa
geBand, saledate, fiModelDesc, fiBaseModel, fiSecondaryDesc, fiModelSeries, fiMo
delDescriptor, ProductSize, fiProductClassDesc, state, ProductGroup, ProductGrou
pDesc, Drive_System, Enclosure, Forks, Pad_Type, Ride_Control, Stick, Transmissi
on, Turbocharged, Blade_Extension, Blade_Width, Enclosure_Type, Engine_Horsepowe
r, Hydraulics, Pushblock, Ripper, Scarifier, Tip_Control, Tire_Size, Coupler, Co
upler_System, Grouser_Tracks, Hydraulics_Flow, Track_Type, Undercarriage_Pad_Wid
th, Stick_Length, Thumb, Pattern_Changer, Grouser_Type, Backhoe_Mounting, Blade_
Type, Travel_Controls, Differential_Type, Steering_Controls], dtype=object)] lis
t index out of range

更新 1

Jeff 关于存储在数据框中的列表的提示使我研究了嵌入式逗号。 pandas.read_csv正在正确解析文件,并且双引号中确实有一些嵌入的逗号。所以这些字段本身不是 python 列表,但在文本中确实有逗号。这里有些例子:

3     Hydraulic Excavator, Track - 12.0 to 14.0 Metric Tons
6     Hydraulic Excavator, Track - 21.0 to 24.0 Metric Tons
8       Hydraulic Excavator, Track - 3.0 to 4.0 Metric Tons
11      Track Type Tractor, Dozer - 20.0 to 75.0 Horsepower
12    Hydraulic Excavator, Track - 19.0 to 21.0 Metric Tons

但是,当我从 pd.read_csv 块中删除此列并附加到我的 HDFStore 时,我仍然得到相同的异常。当我尝试单独附加每一列时,我得到以下新异常:

In [6]: for chunk in pd.read_csv('Train.csv', header=0, chunksize=50000):
   ...:     for col in chunk.columns:
   ...:         store.append(col, chunk[col], data_columns=True)

Exception: cannot properly create the storer for: [_TABLE_MAP] [group->/SalesID
(Group) '',value-><class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>,table->True,append->True,k
wargs->{'data_columns': True}]



更新 2


In [4]: store = pd.HDFStore('test0.h5','w')

In [5]: for chunk in pd.read_csv('Train.csv', chunksize=10000):
   ...:     store.append('df', chunk, index=False, data_columns=True)

Exception: cannot find the correct atom type -> [dtype->object,items->Index([fiB
aseModel], dtype=object)] [fiBaseModel] column has a min_itemsize of [13] but it
emsize [9] is required!


In [16]: lens = df.fiBaseModel.apply(lambda x: len(x))

In [17]: max(lens[:10000])
Out[17]: 9


In [18]: max(lens[10001:20000])
Out[18]: 13

因此,为该列创建了 9 字节的存储表,因为这是第一个块的最大值。当它在后续块中遇到更长的文本字段时,它会抛出异常。


更新 3

尝试使用 pd.read_csv 导入 csv 数据集。我将所有对象的字典传递给 dtypes 参数。然后,我遍历文件并将每个块存储到 HDFStore 中,并为min_itemsize. 我得到以下异常:

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'itemsize'


store = pd.HDFStore('test0.h5','w')
objects = dict((col,'object') for col in header)

for chunk in pd.read_csv('Train.csv', header=0, dtype=objects,
    chunksize=10000, na_filter=False):
    store.append('df', chunk, min_itemsize=200)


ipdb> self.table
/df/table (Table(10000,)) ''
  description := {
  "index": Int64Col(shape=(), dflt=0, pos=0),
  "values_block_0": StringCol(itemsize=200, shape=(53,), dflt='', pos=1)}
  byteorder := 'little'
  chunkshape := (24,)
  autoIndex := True
  colindexes := {
    "index": Index(6, medium, shuffle, zlib(1)).is_CSI=False}

更新 4


    def f(x):
        if x.dtype != 'object':
            return len(max(x.fillna(''), key=lambda x: len(str(x))))

lengths = pd.DataFrame([chunk.apply(f) for chunk in pd.read_csv('Train.csv', chunksize=50000)])
lens = lengths.max().dropna().to_dict()

In [255]: lens
{'Backhoe_Mounting': 19.0,
 'Blade_Extension': 19.0,
 'Blade_Type': 19.0,
 'Blade_Width': 19.0,
 'Coupler': 19.0,
 'Coupler_System': 19.0,
 'Differential_Type': 12.0
 ... etc... }


In [262]: for chunk in pd.read_csv('Train.csv', chunksize=50000, dtype=types):
   .....:     store.append('df', chunk, min_itemsize=lens)

Exception: cannot find the correct atom type -> [dtype->object,items->Index([Usa
geBand, saledate, fiModelDesc, fiBaseModel, fiSecondaryDesc, fiModelSeries, fiMo
delDescriptor, ProductSize, fiProductClassDesc, state, ProductGroup, ProductGrou
pDesc, Drive_System, Enclosure, Forks, Pad_Type, Ride_Control, Stick, Transmissi
on, Turbocharged, Blade_Extension, Blade_Width, Enclosure_Type, Engine_Horsepowe
r, Hydraulics, Pushblock, Ripper, Scarifier, Tip_Control, Tire_Size, Coupler, Co
upler_System, Grouser_Tracks, Hydraulics_Flow, Track_Type, Undercarriage_Pad_Wid
th, Stick_Length, Thumb, Pattern_Changer, Grouser_Type, Backhoe_Mounting, Blade_
Type, Travel_Controls, Differential_Type, Steering_Controls], dtype=object)] [va
lues_block_2] column has a min_itemsize of [64] but itemsize [58] is required!

违规列传递了 64 的 min_itemsize,但异常状态需要 58 的 itemsize。这可能是一个错误?

在 [266] 中:pd。版本 输出 [266]: '0.11.0.dev-eb07c5a'


1 回答 1


您提供的链接可以很好地存储框架。逐列仅表示指定 data_columns=True。它将单独处理列并在有问题的列上提出。


store = pd.HDFStore('test0.h5','w')
In [31]: for chunk in pd.read_csv('Train.csv', chunksize=10000):
   ....:     store.append('df', chunk, index=False, data_columns=True)

在生产中,您可能希望将 data_columns 限制为要查询的列(也可以是 None,在这种情况下,您只能查询索引/列)


你可能会遇到另一个问题。read_csv 根据在每个块中看到的内容转换 dtype,因此对于 10,000 的块大小,附加操作失败,因为块 1 和 2 在某些列中具有整数外观数据,然后在块 3 中您有一些 NaN,因此它是浮动的。要么预先指定 dtypes,使用更大的块大小,要么运行两次操作以保证块之间的 dtypes。

我已经更新了 pytables.py 在这种情况下有一个更有用的例外(以及告诉你列是否有不兼容的数据)


于 2013-03-19T12:17:25.207 回答