我正在使用 Blanco 主题(Wordpress)。这是来自主题森林的 WooCommerce 主题,其中在单个产品页面中内置了 Cloud Zoom JQuery。我也在使用“WooCommerce 变体样本和照片”插件。这会创建视觉样本来替换 WooCommerce 产品变体的下拉选择器菜单。
页面上的样本使用 js 突出显示已单击的样本,以便在将商品添加到购物车时突出显示。
我已经编辑了色板插件,以便在编辑色板设置时提供一个选项来保存产品中每个属性的图像 url。设置此选项后,色板会将相同的代码添加到图库图像使用的标签中。这成功地将所选图像加载到所需的主图像位置。然而,样本不再被选中。
您将看到尺寸样本 xs、s、m 、l ... 正在正常工作。您可以看到三种颜色样本的工作方式与尺寸不同,但它们正在加载主图像。
这是我添加到应该受样本 jquery 影响的潜水内的 a 标记的代码:
<a href="https://tummytrimmerz.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Tummy-Trimmerz-Black-Cami-Pink-Bra-Front-View1-266x400.jpg" class="cloud-zoom-gallery" cloud-zoom-data="useZoom: 'zoom1', smallImage: 'https://tummytrimmerz.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Tummy-Trimmerz-Black-Cami-Pink-Bra-Front-View1-266x400.jpg'" style="width:90px;height:90px;" title="Jet Black / Magenta"><img src="https://tummytrimmerz.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Black-Pink.jpg" alt="Thumbnail" class="wp-post-image swatch-photopa_color_" width="90" height="90"></a>
这是样本选择器 JQuery:
jQuery(document).ready( function($) {
var calculator = new variation_calculator(product_attributes, product_variations_flat, my_all_set_callback, my_not_all_set_callback);
function my_not_all_set_callback() {
// Reset image
var img = $('div.images img:eq(0)');
var link = $('div.images a.zoom:eq(0)');
var o_src = $(img).attr('data-o_src');
var o_href = $(link).attr('data-o_href');
if ( o_src && o_href ) {
$(img).attr('src', o_src);
$(link).attr('href', o_href);
$('form input[name=variation_id]').val('').change();
if( $().uniform && $.isFunction($.uniform.update) ) {
function my_all_set_callback(selected) {
var found = null;
for (sa in selected) {
$('#' + sa).val( selected[sa] );
for(var p = 0; p < product_variations.length; p++) {
var result = true;
for (attribute in product_variations[p].attributes) {
for(selected_attribute in selected) {
if (selected_attribute == attribute) {
var v = product_variations[p].attributes[attribute];
if (v != selected[selected_attribute]) {
result = false;
if (result){
found = product_variations[p];
if (!found) {
for(var p = 0; p < product_variations.length; p++) {
var result = true;
for (attribute in product_variations[p].attributes) {
for(selected_attribute in selected) {
if (selected_attribute == attribute) {
var v = product_variations[p].attributes[attribute];
var vs = selected[selected_attribute];
if (v != '' && v != vs) {
result = false;
if (result){
found = product_variations[p];
if (found) {
function show_variation(variation) {
$('.single_variation').html( variation.price_html + variation.availability_html );
if (variation.sku) {
$('.product_meta').find('.sku').text( variation.sku );
} else {
if (variation.min_qty) {
$('.single_variation_wrap').find('input[name=quantity]').attr('data-min', variation.min_qty).val(variation.min_qty);
} else {
if ( variation.max_qty ) {
$('.single_variation_wrap').find('input[name=quantity]').attr('data-max', variation.max_qty);
} else {
if ( variation.is_sold_individually == 'yes' ) {
$('form input[name=variation_id]').val(variation.variation_id).change();
$('.single_variation_wrap').slideDown('200').trigger( 'show_variation', [ variation ] );
$('form.cart').trigger( 'found_variation', [ variation ] );
function swap_image(variation) {
var img = $('div.images img:eq(0)');
var link = $('div.images a.zoom:eq(0)');
var o_src = $(img).attr('data-o_src');
var o_title = $(img).attr('data-o_title');
var o_href = $(link).attr('data-o_href');
var variation_image = variation.image_src;
var variation_link = variation.image_link;
var variation_title = variation.image_title;
if (!o_src) {
$(img).attr('data-o_src', $(img).attr('src'));
if (!o_title) {
$(img).attr('data-o_title', $(img).attr('title') );
if (!o_href) {
$(link).attr('data-o_href', $(link).attr('href'));
if (variation_image && variation_image.length > 1) {
$(img).attr('src', variation_image);
$(img).attr('title', variation_title);
$(img).attr('alt', variation_title);
$(link).attr('href', variation_link);
$(link).attr('title', variation_title);
} else {
$(img).attr('src', o_src);
$(img).attr('title', o_title);
$(img).attr('alt', o_title);
$(link).attr('href', o_href);
$(link).attr('title', o_title);
var $variation_form = $('form.cart');
$('.variations select', $variation_form).unbind();
$('div.select-option').delegate('a', 'click', function(event) {
var $the_option = $(this).closest('div.select-option');
if ($the_option.hasClass('disabled')) {
return false;
} else if ($the_option.hasClass('selected')) {
var select = $the_option.closest('div.select');
select.data('value', '');
$(this).parents('div.select').trigger('change', []);
} else {
var select = $(this).closest('div.select');
select.data('value', $the_option.data('value') );
$(this).parents('div.select').trigger('change', []);
return false;
$('div.select', $variation_form).bind('change', function() {
$variation_form.trigger( 'woocommerce_variation_select_change' );
var $parent = $(this).closest('.variation_form_section');
$('select', $parent).each( function(index, element) {
var optval = $(element).val();
optval = optval.replace("'", "'");
optval = optval.replace('"', """);
calculator.set_selected( $(element).data('attribute-name'), optval );
$('div.select', $parent).each( function(index, element) {
calculator.set_selected( $(element).data('attribute-name'), $(element).data('value') );
var current_options = calculator.get_current();
$('select', $parent).each( function(index, element) {
var attribute_name = $(element).data('attribute-name');
var avaiable_options = current_options[attribute_name];
$(element).find('option:gt(0)').each(function(index, option) {
var optval = $(option).val();
optval = optval.replace("'", "'");
optval = optval.replace('"', """);
if (!avaiable_options[ optval ] ) {
} else {
$('div.select', $parent).each( function(index, element) {
var attribute_name = $(element).data('attribute-name');
var avaiable_options = current_options[attribute_name];
$(element).find('div.select-option').each(function(index, option) {
if (!avaiable_options[ $(option).data('value') ] ) {
} else {
$('select', $variation_form).change(function() {
var $parent = $(this).closest('.variation_form_section');
$('select', $parent).each( function(index, element) {
var optval = $(element).val();
optval = optval.replace("'", "'");
optval = optval.replace('"', """);
calculator.set_selected( $(element).data('attribute-name'), optval);
var current_options = calculator.get_current();
$('select', $parent).each( function(index, element) {
var attribute_name = $(element).data('attribute-name');
var avaiable_options = current_options[attribute_name];
$(element).find('option:gt(0)').each(function(index, option) {
var optval = $(option).val();
optval = optval.replace("'", "'");
optval = optval.replace('"', """);
if (!avaiable_options[ optval ] ) {
} else {
$('div.select', $parent).each( function(index, element) {
var attribute_name = $(element).data('attribute-name');
var avaiable_options = current_options[attribute_name];
$(element).find('div.select-option').each(function(index, option) {
if (!avaiable_options[ $(option).data('value') ] ) {
} else {
//Fire defaults
$('select', 'form.cart').trigger('change', []);
function variation_manager(variations) {
this.variations = variations;
this.find_matching_variation = function(selected) {
for (var v = 0;v<this.variations.length;v++) {
var variation = this.variations[v];
var matched = true;
//Find any with an exact match.
for( var attribute in variation.attributes ) {
matched = matched & selected[attribute] != undefined && selected[attribute] == variation.attributes[attribute];
if (matched) {
return variation;
//An exact match was not found. Find any with a wildcard match
for (var v = 0;v<this.variations.length;v++) {
var variation = this.variations[v];
var matched = true;
//Find any with an exact match.
for( var attribute in variation.attributes ) {
matched = matched & selected[attribute] != undefined && (selected[attribute] == variation.attributes[attribute] || variation.attributes[attribute] == '');
if (matched) {
return variation;
return false;
function variation_calculator(keys, possibile, all_set_callback, not_all_set_callback) {
this.recalc_needed = true;
this.all_set_callback = all_set_callback;
this.not_all_set_callback = not_all_set_callback;
//The varioius variation key values available as configured in woocommerce.
this.variation_keys = keys;
//The actual variations that are configured in woocommerce.
this.variations_available = possibile;
//Stores the attribute + values that are currently available
this.variations_current = {};
//Stores the selected attributes + values
this.variations_selected = {};
this.reset_current = function( ) {
for(var key in this.variation_keys) {
this.variations_current[ key ] = {};
for( var av = 0; av < this.variation_keys[key].length; av++ ) {
this.variations_current[ key ][ this.variation_keys[key][av] ] = 0;
this.update_current = function( ) {
for( var i = 0; i < this.variations_available.length; i++ ) {
for(var attribute in this.variations_available[ i ]) {
var available_value = this.variations_available[ i ][attribute];
var selected_value = this.variations_selected[attribute];
if (selected_value && selected_value == available_value ) {
this.variations_current[ attribute ][ available_value ] = 1;//this is a currently selected attribute value
} else {
var result = true;
//Loop though any other item that is selected, checking to see if any DO NOT match.
for(var other_selected_attribute in this.variations_selected) {
if (other_selected_attribute == attribute) {
//We are looking to see if any attribute that is selected will cause this to fail.
var other_selected_attribute_value = this.variations_selected[other_selected_attribute];
var other_available_attribute_value = this.variations_available[i][other_selected_attribute];
if ( other_selected_attribute_value ) {
if ( other_available_attribute_value ) {
if (other_selected_attribute_value != other_available_attribute_value) {
result = false;
if (result) {
if (available_value) {
this.variations_current[ attribute ][ available_value ] = 1;
} else {
for (var av in this.variations_current[ attribute ]) {
this.variations_current[ attribute ][ av ] = 1;
this.recalc_needed = false;
this.get_current = function() {
if (this.recalc_needed) {
return this.variations_current;
this.get_value_is_current = function( key, value ) {
if (this.recalc_needed) {
return this.variations_current[ key ][ value ] === true;
this.reset_selected = function() {
this.recalc_needed = true;
this.variations_selected = [];
this.set_selected = function(key, value) {
this.recalc_needed = true;
this.variations_selected[ key ] = value;
this.get_selected = function() {
return this.variations_selected;
this.trigger_callbacks = function(){
var all_set = true;
for (var key in this.variation_keys) {
all_set = all_set & this.variations_selected[key] != undefined && this.variations_selected[key] != '';
if (all_set) {
this.all_set_callback( this.variations_selected );
} else {
我花了 6 天的时间试图让它正常工作,而且我是 JS 的新手,所以任何帮助都将不胜感激。
URL https://tummytrimmerz.com/wp-login.php 用户:堆栈密码:堆栈