I found an example here on stackoverflow that I am trying to recreate and use a solution. here is the link to the example: Refreshing Partial View in MVC 3

what is wrong with my syntax?

function RefreshPartial() {
        $('#invited-teams').load('/Challenge/GetInvitedTeams', {Model.ChallengeId});

will this work? or does it need to have the curly brackets?

function RefreshPartial() {
        $('#invited-teams').load('/Challenge/GetInvitedTeams', "<%= Model.ChallengeId %>" );


 function RefreshPartial() {
            {'paramname' : <%:Model.ChallengeId %> });

my partial view:

            <div id="invited-teams">
                <% Html.RenderPartial("InvitedTeams", Model.InvitedTeams); %>

So, this is what my refreshPartial method is looking like:

function RefreshPartial() {
        alert("in refresh partial");
        alert("<%:Model.ChallengeId %>");
        $('#invited-teams').load('/Challenge/GetInvitedTeams', { 
            'paramname': '<%:Model.ChallengeId %>'


it alerts both alerts correctly, with the 2nd one having the correct ChallengeID. The page is still going blank though. hmm..


1 回答 1



function RefreshPartial() {
    $('#invited-teams').load('/Challenge/GetInvitedTeams', {
       'paramname' :'<%:Model.ChallengeId %>'//Or your ASP wrapper here
于 2013-03-18T20:44:09.147 回答