我正在尝试有条件地构建模板。我得到了一个带有一些 div 和 span 的 k2plugin 指令。根据 pluginui 属性,我想在模板末尾插入另一个指令。下面我的代码会插入除 pluginui 之外的所有内容。例如,最后一个 div 会导致:

<div {{pluginui}} width='300' height='420'></div>

{{pluginui}} 是文字,而它应该插入以触发另一个指令。有趣的是,如果我将 {{pluginui}} 放在同一行的其他位置(例如在标签之间,它会被插值。


app.directive("k2plugin", function () {
            return {
                restrict: "A",
                scope: true,
                link: function (scope, elements, attrs) {
                    console.log ("creating plugin");

                    // this won't work immediatley. attribute pluginname will be undefined as soon as this is called.
                    scope.pluginname = "Loading...";
                    scope.pluginid = null;

                    // observe changes to interpolated attributes

                            // [...] observe name, id, width, height

                    attrs.$observe('pluginui', function(value) {
                        console.log('pluginui has changed value to ' + value);
                        scope.pluginui = attrs.pluginui + "viewport";

                template: "<div>\
                           <span ng-click=\"resize(pluginid)\">_</span> <span ng-click=\"remove(pluginid)\">X</span>\
                           <div {{pluginui}} width='{{pluginwidth}}' height='{{pluginheight}}'></div>\
                replace: true,

        app.directive("canvasviewport", function () {
            return {
                restrict: "A",
                scope: true,
                link: function (scope, elements, attrs) {
                    console.log ("creating canvas viewport");
                template: "<canvas width='{{pluginwidth}}' height='{{pluginheight}}'></canvas>",
                replace: true

        app.directive("divviewport", function () {
            return {
                restrict: "A",
                scope: true,
                link: function (scope, elements, attrs) {
                    console.log ("creating div viewport");
                template: "<div style=\"width='{{pluginwidth}}' height='{{pluginheight}}'\"></div>",
                replace: true

        app.directive("autoviewport", function () {
            return {
                restrict: "A",
                scope: true,
                link: function (scope, elements, attrs) {
                    console.log ("creating auto viewport");
                template: "<canvas width='{{pluginwidth}}' height='{{pluginheight}}'></canvas>",
                replace: true

1 回答 1


I don't think Angular will interpolate something into a directive name. {{}}s (automatically) set up a $watch. When the $watch notices a change, it will update the view, but it won't call $compile, which is what I think needs to happen here.

So, I would try generating the HTML/template in the directive's link function and then $compile it. Something like:

scope.$watch('pluginui', function(newValue) {
   var jqLiteWrappedElement = angular.element('<div ' + newValue + ' width=...');

Remember to inject $compile into the directive.

于 2013-03-18T19:52:43.367 回答