I will take "distance from a product to a point" to be the minimum distance from the point to a store with that product. I will take the output to be a list of (product, distance) for all products sorted by distance ascending. (A comment by someone who placed a bounty indicated they sometimes also want (product,distance,store) sorted by distance then store within product.)
Every model has a corresponding table. The fields of the model are the columns of the table. Every model/table should have a fill-in-the-(named-)blanks statement where its records/rows are the ones that make a true statement.
Store(coords,...) // store [store] is at [coords] and ...
Product(product,store,...) // product [product] is stocked by store [store] and ...
Since Product has store(s) as manyToManyField it already is a "ProductStore" table of products and stocking stores and Store already is a "StoreCoord" table of stores and their coordinates.
You can mention any object's fields in a query filter() for a model with a manyToManyField.
The SQL for this is simple:
select p.product,distance
select p.product,distance(s.coord,[pnt]) as distance
from Store s join Product p
on s.store=p.store
group by product
having distance=min(distance)
order by distance
It should be straightforward to map this to a query. However, I am not familiar enough with Django to give you exact code now.
from django.db.models import F
q = Product.objects.all()
The Min() is an example of aggregation.
You may also be helped by explicitly making a subquery.
It is also possible to query this by the raw interface. However, the names above are not right for a Django raw query. Eg the table names will by default be APPL_store and APPL_product where APPL is your application name. Also, distance is not your pointField operator. You must give the right distance function. But you should not need to query at the raw level.