考虑 - 但其他答案涵盖了这一点。YMMV。
var names = new [] {"a", "a", "c", "b", "a", "b"};
var duplicatesWithIndices = names
// Associate each name/value with an index
.Select((Name, Index) => new { Name, Index })
// Group according to name
.GroupBy(x => x.Name)
// Only care about Name -> {Index1, Index2, ..}
.Select(xg => new {
Name = xg.Key,
Indices = xg.Select(x => x.Index)
// And groups with more than one index represent a duplicate key
.Where(x => x.Indices.Count() > 1);
// Now, duplicatesWithIndices is typed like:
// IEnumerable<{Name:string,Indices:IEnumerable<int>}>
// Let's say we print out the duplicates (the ToArray is for .NET 3.5):
foreach (var g in duplicatesWithIndices) {
Console.WriteLine("Have duplicate " + g.Name + " with indices " +
string.Join(",", g.Indices.ToArray()));
// The output for the above input is:
// > Have duplicate a with indices 0,1,4
// > Have duplicate b with indices 3,5