像这样: 8 years, 7 months, 21 days old
这是我大约 9 年前在我女儿的网站上使用的东西
function GetMyAge()
birthTime = new Date("July 25, 2004 00:00:00 GMT-0600")
todaysTime = new Date();
<!-- Parse out specific date values
todaysYear = todaysTime.getFullYear()
todaysMonth = todaysTime.getMonth()
todaysDate = todaysTime.getDate()
todaysHour = todaysTime.getHours()
todaysMinute = todaysTime.getMinutes()
todaysSecond = todaysTime.getSeconds()
birthYear = birthTime.getFullYear()
birthMonth = birthTime.getMonth()
birthDate = birthTime.getDate()
birthHour = birthTime.getHours()
birthMinute = birthTime.getMinutes()
birthSecond = birthTime.getSeconds()
<!-- Adjusts for Leap Year Info
if ((todaysYear / 4) == (Math.round(todaysYear / 4))) {
countLeap = 29}
else {
countLeap = 28}
<!-- Calculate the days in the month
if (todaysMonth == 2) {
countMonth = countLeap}
else {
if (todaysMonth == 4) {
countMonth = 30}
else {
if (todaysMonth == 6) {
countMonth = 30}
else {
if (todaysMonth == 9) {
countMonth = 30}
else {
if (todaysMonth == 11) {
countMonth = 30}
else {
countMonth = 31}}}}}
<!-- Doing the subtactions
if (todaysMinute > birthMinute) {
diffMinute = todaysMinute - birthMinute
calcHour = 0}
else {
diffMinute = todaysMinute + 60 - birthMinute
calcHour = -1}
if (todaysHour > birthHour) {
diffHour = todaysHour - birthHour + calcHour
calcDate = 0}
else {
diffHour = todaysHour + 24 - birthHour + calcHour
calcDate = -1}
if (todaysDate > birthDate) {
diffDate = todaysDate - birthDate + calcDate
calcMonth = 0}
else {
diffDate = todaysDate + countMonth - birthDate + calcDate
calcMonth = -1}
if (todaysMonth > birthMonth) {
diffMonth = todaysMonth - birthMonth + calcMonth
calcYear = 0}
else {
diffMonth = todaysMonth + 12 - birthMonth + calcMonth
calcYear = -1}
diffYear = todaysYear - birthYear + calcYear
<!-- Making sure it all adds up correctly
if (diffMinute == 60) {
diffMinute = 0
diffHour = diffHour + 1}
if (diffHour == 24) {
diffHour = 0
diffDate = diffDate + 1}
if (diffDate == countMonth) {
diffDate = 0
diffMonth = diffMonth + 1}
if (diffMonth == 12) {
diffMonth = 0
diffYear = diffYear + 1}
if (diffYear != 1)
YearPlural = "s"
if (diffMonth != 1)
MonthPlural = "s"
if (diffDate != 1)
DatePlural = "s"
if (diffYear == 0 && diffMonth == 0)
return (diffDate + ' day' + DatePlural + ' old. ');
else if (diffYear == 0)
return (diffMonth + ' month' + MonthPlural + ', ' + diffDate + ' day' + DatePlural + ' old. ');
return (diffYear + ' year' + YearPlural + ', ' + diffMonth + ' month' + MonthPlural + ', ' + diffDate + ' day' + DatePlural + ' old. ');
// -->