所以我浏览了 Gmail iOS App (2.0.1) 并看到了一些包含的 html 文件,例如 calendar.html:
<?cs #trans description Title for screen in welcome sequence describing the
ability to immediately act on calendar events. (Maximum characters: ~25) ?>
Instantly RSVP</h1>
<?cs #trans description
Reference to being able to receiving emails for calendar events and being able
to act on the events immediately.
(Maximum characters: ~100 depends on line breaks) ?>
Respond to Google Calendar invites right from the app.
我想知道是否有人知道 ?cs 标签的用途。我确实尝试过谷歌搜索,但我找不到任何东西。也许它是谷歌内部的东西?任何信息都会很好。我只是想了解 iOS/Google 编程风格。