I'd like to read more about an algorithm that's used in R for unequal probability sampling, but after a few hours of searching I haven't been able to turn anything up on it. I thought it might have been an Art of Computer Programming algorithm, but I haven't been able to substantiate that either. The particular function in R's random.c is called ProbSampleNoReplace()
Given a vector of probabilities prob[]
and a desired sample size n
with a vector of selected items ans[]
For each element j in prob[] assign an index perm[j]
Sort the list in order of probability value, largest first
totalmass = 1
For (h=0, n1= n-1, h<nans, h++,n1-- )
rt = totalmass * rand(in 0:1)
mass = 0
**sum the probabilities, largest first, until the sum is bigger than rt**
mass += prob[j]
if rt <= mass then break
ans[h] = perm[j]
**reduce size of totalmass to reflect removed item**
totalmass -= prob[j]
**reset the indices to be sequential**
for(k=j, k<n1, k++)
prob[k] = prob[k+1]
perm[k] = perm[k+1]