我正在创建一个与 Python 2.7 和 Windows 中的 IP Messenger 相同的 Messenger。

我希望使用与 IP Messenger 相同的功能来查找通过 LAN 运行相同软件的系统,但我无法理解该技术。

有人可以帮我解决使用Python 2.7 和套接字库在 LAN 上运行相同软件的计算机 IP 地址或主机名的问题。

请建议一些可以在 Windows 上实现的东西,而不是 Nmap(仅限于 linux),如果解决方案是 Python 的 Socket Library 代码,这将非常有帮助。


5 回答 5


Windows 命令提示符的“ net view ”命令解决了我所说的问题。

通过这个命令,我可以找到通过 LAN 连接到我的计算机的所有计算机,然后我将向所有计算机发送数据包,并且回复我的数据包的计算机将是运行与我正在运行的相同软件的系统,这完全解决了我的问题。

此代码列出了通过 LAN 与我的计算机连接的所有计算机主机名。

import os
os.system('net view > conn.tmp')
f = open('conn.tmp', 'r')

conn = []
host = f.readline()
while host[0] == '\\':
    conn.append(host[2:host.find(' ')])
    host = f.readline()

print conn
于 2013-03-19T10:35:53.997 回答

您要做的是对活动节点的本地网络进行 ping 操作。像这个使用Scapy的脚本可能就足够了。这种纯 python 实现可能是另一个更轻量级的替代方案。

为了获取当前 IP 地址,您可能需要遵循此问题中给出的解决方案之一。


# TODO: This is a quick hack to retrieve the results 
# of the ping, you should probably do something a bit more elegant here!
class PingQuery(Ping):
    def __init__():
        result = false

    def print_success(self, delay, ip, packet_size, ip_header, icmp_header):
        result = ip


subnet = "192.168.0." # TODO: Trim the last number off the IP address retrieved earlier
for i in range(1, 255):
    hostname = subnet + i
    p = PingQuery(hostname, 500, 55) # Timeout after 500ms per node
    if (p.result):
        print p.result + " is live"

之后,您可以通过尝试使用您选择的端口连接到每台机器来询问正在运行的机器,检查是否有专门定制的 TCP 数据包来证明侦听程序实际上是您的软件。

于 2013-03-17T18:29:14.697 回答

根据 aki92 的回答...

import re
import subprocess
# ...

nodes = re.findall(r'\\(.+?)(?: .*)?\n',subprocess.check_output('net view'))
于 2015-01-22T20:56:42.393 回答

使用 Simple HttpServer 添加了带有 JSON 响应的 http 层。

import time
import socket
import struct
import select
import random
import json
import asyncore
from netaddr import IPNetwork
import BaseHTTPServer

# From /usr/include/linux/icmp.h; your milage may vary.
ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST = 8 # Seems to be the same on Solaris.

ICMP_CODE = socket.getprotobyname('icmp')
    1: ' - Note that ICMP messages can only be '
       'sent from processes running as root.',
    10013: ' - Note that ICMP messages can only be sent by'
           ' users or processes with administrator rights.'

__all__ = ['create_packet', 'do_one', 'verbose_ping', 'PingQuery',

PORT_NUMBER = 9000 # Maybe set this to 9000.
host_list = []
Below class would handle all rest requests
class MyHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
     def do_HEAD(self,s):
         s.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")
     def do_GET(s):
        """Respond to a GET request."""  
        s.send_header("content_disposition", "attachment; filename=serverstatus.json")
        s.send_header("Content-type", "text/json")

        for ip in IPNetwork(SUBNET):

        #Create Object of SubnetMonitor
        monitor =  SubnetMonitor()

        responseData = {}
        for host, ping in monitor.multi_ping_query(host_list).iteritems():

            if ping is not None:
                print(host,'()',socket.gethostbyname(host)   , '=', ping)   
                responseData[host] = 'Is Up'    
                responseData[host] = 'Is Down'

        json_data = json.dumps(responseData, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))


Below class is used to send/receive all ping/icmp requests 
class PingQuery(asyncore.dispatcher):

    def __init__(self, host, p_id, timeout=0.5, ignore_errors=False,monitor=None):
       Derived class from "asyncore.dispatcher" for sending and
       receiving an icmp echo request/reply.

       Usually this class is used in conjunction with the "loop"
       function of asyncore.

       Once the loop is over, you can retrieve the results with
       the "get_result" method. Assignment is possible through
       the "get_host" method.

       "host" represents the address under which the server can be reached.
       "timeout" is the interval which the host gets granted for its reply.
       "p_id" must be any unique integer or float except negatives and zeros.

       If "ignore_errors" is True, the default behaviour of asyncore
       will be overwritten with a function which does just nothing.

        self.monitor = monitor
            self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, ICMP_CODE)
        except socket.error as e:
            if e.errno in ERROR_DESCR:
                # Operation not permitted
                raise socket.error(''.join((e.args[1], ERROR_DESCR[e.errno])))
            raise # raise the original error
        self.time_received = 0
        self.time_sent = 0
        self.timeout = timeout
        # Maximum for an unsigned short int c object counts to 65535 so
        # we have to sure that our packet id is not greater than that.
        self.packet_id = int((id(timeout) / p_id) % 65535)
        self.host = host
        self.packet = self.monitor.create_packet(self.packet_id)
        if ignore_errors:
            # If it does not care whether an error occured or not.
            self.handle_error = self.do_not_handle_errors
            self.handle_expt = self.do_not_handle_errors

    def writable(self):
        return self.time_sent == 0

    def handle_write(self):
        self.time_sent = time.time()
        while self.packet:
            # The icmp protocol does not use a port, but the function
            # below expects it, so we just give it a dummy port.
            sent = self.sendto(self.packet, (self.host, 1))
            self.packet = self.packet[sent:]

    def readable(self):
        # As long as we did not sent anything, the channel has to be left open.
        if (not self.writable()
            # Once we sent something, we should periodically check if the reply
            # timed out.
            and self.timeout < (time.time() - self.time_sent)):
            return False
        # If the channel should not be closed, we do not want to read something
        # until we did not sent anything.
        return not self.writable()

    def handle_read(self):
        read_time = time.time()
        packet, addr = self.recvfrom(1024)
        header = packet[20:28]
        type, code, checksum, p_id, sequence = struct.unpack("bbHHh", header)
        if p_id == self.packet_id:
            # This comparison is necessary because winsocks do not only get
            # the replies for their own sent packets.
            self.time_received = read_time

    def get_result(self):
        """Return the ping delay if possible, otherwise None."""
        if self.time_received > 0:
            return self.time_received - self.time_sent

    def get_host(self):
        """Return the host where to the request has or should been sent."""
        return self.host

    def do_not_handle_errors(self):
        # Just a dummy handler to stop traceback printing, if desired.

    def create_socket(self, family, type, proto):
        # Overwritten, because the original does not support the "proto" arg.
        sock = socket.socket(family, type, proto)
        # Part of the original but is not used. (at least at python 2.7)
        # Copied for possible compatiblity reasons.
        self.family_and_type = family, type

    # If the following methods would not be there, we would see some very
    # "useful" warnings from asyncore, maybe. But we do not want to, or do we?
    def handle_connect(self):

    def handle_accept(self):

    def handle_close(self):

class SubnetMonitor:

    def __init__(self):
        print("Subnet Monitor Started")     

    def checksum(self,source_string):
        # I'm not too confident that this is right but testing seems to
        # suggest that it gives the same answers as in_cksum in ping.c.
        sum = 0
        count_to = (len(source_string) / 2) * 2
        count = 0
        while count < count_to:
            this_val = ord(source_string[count + 1])*256+ord(source_string[count])
            sum = sum + this_val
            sum = sum & 0xffffffff # Necessary?
            count = count + 2
        if count_to < len(source_string):
            sum = sum + ord(source_string[len(source_string) - 1])
            sum = sum & 0xffffffff # Necessary?
        sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff)
        sum = sum + (sum >> 16)
        answer = ~sum
        answer = answer & 0xffff
        # Swap bytes. Bugger me if I know why.
        answer = answer >> 8 | (answer << 8 & 0xff00)
        return answer

    def create_packet(self,id):
        """Create a new echo request packet based on the given "id"."""
        # Header is type (8), code (8), checksum (16), id (16), sequence (16)
        header = struct.pack('bbHHh', ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST, 0, 0, id, 1)
        data = 192 * 'Q'
        # Calculate the checksum on the data and the dummy header.
        my_checksum = self.checksum(header + data)
        # Now that we have the right checksum, we put that in. It's just easier
        # to make up a new header than to stuff it into the dummy.
        header = struct.pack('bbHHh', ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST, 0,
                             socket.htons(my_checksum), id, 1)
        return header + data

    def do_one(self,dest_addr, timeout=1):
        Sends one ping to the given "dest_addr" which can be an ip or hostname.
        "timeout" can be any integer or float except negatives and zero.
        Returns either the delay (in seconds) or None on timeout and an invalid
        address, respectively.
            my_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, ICMP_CODE)
        except socket.error as e:
            if e.errno in ERROR_DESCR:
                # Operation not permitted
                raise socket.error(''.join((e.args[1], ERROR_DESCR[e.errno])))
            raise # raise the original error
            host = socket.gethostbyname(dest_addr)
        except socket.gaierror:
        # Maximum for an unsigned short int c object counts to 65535 so
        # we have to sure that our packet id is not greater than that.
        packet_id = int((id(timeout) * random.random()) % 65535)
        packet = self.create_packet(packet_id)
        while packet:
            # The icmp protocol does not use a port, but the function
            # below expects it, so we just give it a dummy port.
            sent = my_socket.sendto(packet, (dest_addr, 1))
            packet = packet[sent:]
        delay = self.receive_ping(my_socket, packet_id, time.time(), timeout)
        return delay

    def receive_ping(self,my_socket, packet_id, time_sent, timeout):
        # Receive the ping from the socket.
        time_left = timeout
        while True:
            started_select = time.time()
            ready = select.select([my_socket], [], [], time_left)
            how_long_in_select = time.time() - started_select
            if ready[0] == []: # Timeout
            time_received = time.time()
            rec_packet, addr = my_socket.recvfrom(1024)
            icmp_header = rec_packet[20:28]
            type, code, checksum, p_id, sequence = struct.unpack(
                'bbHHh', icmp_header)
            if p_id == packet_id:
                return time_received - time_sent
            time_left -= time_received - time_sent
            if time_left <= 0:

    def verbose_ping(self,dest_addr, timeout=2, count=4):
        Sends one ping to the given "dest_addr" which can be an ip or hostname.
        "timeout" can be any integer or float except negatives and zero.
        "count" specifies how many pings will be sent.
        Displays the result on the screen.

        for i in range(count):
            print('ping {}...'.format(dest_addr))
            delay = self.do_one(dest_addr, timeout)
            if delay == None:
                print('failed. (Timeout within {} seconds.)'.format(timeout))
                delay = round(delay * 1000.0, 4)
                print('get ping in {} milliseconds.'.format(delay))

    def multi_ping_query(self,hosts, timeout=1, step=512, ignore_errors=False):
        Sends multiple icmp echo requests at once.
        "hosts" is a list of ips or hostnames which should be pinged.
        "timeout" must be given and a integer or float greater than zero.
        "step" is the amount of sockets which should be watched at once.
        See the docstring of "PingQuery" for the meaning of "ignore_erros".
        results, host_list, id = {}, [], 0
        for host in hosts:
            except socket.gaierror:
                results[host] = None
        while host_list:
            sock_list = []
            for ip in host_list[:step]: # select supports only a max of 512
                id += 1
                sock_list.append(PingQuery(ip, id, timeout, ignore_errors,self))
            # Remember to use a timeout here. The risk to get an infinite loop
            # is high, because noone can guarantee that each host will reply!
            for sock in sock_list:
                results[sock.get_host()] = sock.get_result()
        return results      

if __name__ == '__main__':
     server_class = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer
     httpd = server_class((HOST_NAME, PORT_NUMBER), MyHandler)
     print time.asctime(), "Server Starts - %s:%s" % (HOST_NAME, PORT_NUMBER)
     except KeyboardInterrupt:
     print time.asctime(), "Server Stops - %s:%s" % (HOST_NAME, PORT_NUMBER)
于 2017-02-13T05:50:21.667 回答

使用命令行arp -a并使用 numpy 解析的 mac 解决方案。也可以使用此方法找到 Mac 地址。

import os
import numpy as np

# Perform LAN scan
os.system('arp -a > scan.tmp')
scan = np.loadtxt('scan.tmp', dtype='str', delimiter='nodelimiter')

# Discard empty nodes
empty_nodes = np.where(np.char.find(scan, 'incomplete') > 0)[0]
scan = np.delete(scan, empty_nodes)

# Parse IP address (solution for parsing mac address commented out)
for i, node in enumerate(scan):
    left, right = np.char.find(node,'(') + 1, np.char.find(node,')')
    # left, right = np.char.find(node,'at') + 3, np.char.find(node,'on') - 1
    scan[i] = node[left:right]

于 2021-11-03T03:05:25.483 回答