Configuration Management team at my workplace mandates 4 digit version numbers for artefacts - say, - for released artefact and for development pom

In addition to this, our version control system (clearcase) has pre-label trigger which enforces a certain naming convention for label/tag.

So, if the pom version is and artifactId is, for instance, shopcart then, as per the tag naming requirement, tag name should be:


where XXX is project code - constant string value.

As you see, in order to achieve this format, I need to make following customisations to tag name format:

  • artifactId - convert to uppercase
  • first 3 digits of 4 digit version number to be extracted
  • last digit of 4 digit version number to be extracted
  • concatenate everything as per the format.

I thought I would use gmaven plugin to get this done and populate a custom property to be used in tag or tagNameFormat configuration property of maven release plugin (v2.3.2) - but that doesn't work at all.

maven release plugin supports only 3 properties (artifactId, version, groupId) and doesn't support any other property.

gmaven plugin works as expected and sets a final user property in the tag name format I need - I verified it using the ant run maven plugin to echo the property.

Problem is with maven release plugin - it doesn't understand any user property...

Can anyone help how can I achieve this?


Interactive run is not a possibility - need to configure this to run for about 15 projects on jenkins ...

Many thanks, Tapasvi


1 回答 1


您应该仔细阅读 maven-release-plugin 的文档,因为有一个可用于此类目的的参数。tagNameFormat用于更改将要创建的标签的格式(哦,抱歉。您已经阅读过)。该版本可以通过buildhelper-maven-plugin提取到属性中。此外,buildhelper-maven-plugin 可用于制作工件 id 的大写:


regex-property 目标可用于在应用正则表达式替换后将属性设置为一个值。例如,执行以下插件配置来设置 clearcase.artifact 属性。


但是你需要小心设置属性,因为 release:perform fork 一个 Maven 进程。您可能需要使用 -Darguments 选项来设置适当的参数。

于 2013-03-18T12:03:48.467 回答