实际上我自己想出了这个......我使用了 Rangy 库https://code.google.com/p/rangy/和这样的代码:
// Add text to the reply area at the very end, and move the cursor to the very end.
function insertText(textarea, text) {
textarea = $(textarea);
textarea.val(textarea.val() + text);
// Trigger the textarea's keyup to emulate typing.
// Add text to the reply area, with the options of wrapping it around a selection and selecting a part of it when it's inserted.
function wrapText(textarea, tagStart, tagEnd, selectArgument, defaultArgumentValue) {
textarea = $(textarea);
// Save the scroll position of the textarea.
var scrollTop = textarea.scrollTop();
// Work out what text is currently selected.
var selectionInfo = textarea.getSelection();
if (textarea.val().substring(selectionInfo.start, selectionInfo.start + 1).match(/ /)) selectionInfo.start++;
if (textarea.val().substring(selectionInfo.end - 1, selectionInfo.end).match(/ /)) selectionInfo.end--;
var selection = textarea.val().substring(selectionInfo.start, selectionInfo.end);
// Work out the text to insert over the selection.
selection = selection ? selection : (defaultArgumentValue ? defaultArgumentValue : "");
var text = tagStart + selection + (typeof tagEnd != "undefined" ? tagEnd : tagStart);
// Replace the textarea's value.
textarea.val(textarea.val().substr(0, selectionInfo.start) + text + textarea.val().substr(selectionInfo.end));
// Scroll back down and refocus on the textarea.
// If a selectArgument was passed, work out where it is and select it. Otherwise, select the text that was selected
// before this function was called.
if (selectArgument) {
var newStart = selectionInfo.start + tagStart.indexOf(selectArgument);
var newEnd = newStart + selectArgument.length;
} else {
var newStart = selectionInfo.start + tagStart.length;
var newEnd = newStart + selection.length;
textarea.selectRange(newStart, newEnd);
// Trigger the textarea's keyup to emulate typing.
var bbcode = {
bold: function(id) {wrapText($("textarea"), "[b]", "[/b]", "", "bolded text");},
完整代码(在我做的一个更大的项目中):https ://github.com/wnajar/textarea