这是修补 dll 以删除安装 Ctrl-C 处理程序的调用的代码:
import os
import os.path
import imp
import hashlib
basepath = imp.find_module('numpy')[1]
ifcoremd = os.path.join(basepath, 'core', 'libifcoremd.dll')
with open(ifcoremd, 'rb') as dll:
contents = dll.read()
m = hashlib.md5()
patch = {'7cae928b035bbdb90e4bfa725da59188': (0x317FC, '\xeb\x0b'),
'0f86dcd44a1c2e217054c50262f727bf': (0x3fdd9, '\xeb\x10')}[m.hexdigest()]
if patch:
contents = bytearray(contents)
contents[patch[0]:patch[0] + len(patch[1])] = patch[1]
with open(ifcoremd, 'wb') as dll:
print 'Unknown dll version'
编辑:这是我为 x64 添加补丁的方式。在调试器中运行 python.exe,并设置一个断点,SetConsoleCtrlHandler
Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.12.0002.633 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
CommandLine: .\venv\Scripts\python.exe
0:000> .symfix
0:000> bp kernel32!SetConsoleCtrlHandler
0:000> g
Breakpoint 0 hit
00007ffc`c25742f0 ff252af00400 jmp qword ptr [KERNEL32!_imp_SetConsoleCtrlHandler (00007ffc`c25c3320)] ds:00007ffc`c25c3320={KERNELBASE!SetConsoleCtrlHandler (00007ffc`bfa12e10)}
0:000> k 5
Child-SP RetAddr Call Site
00000000`007ef7a8 00000000`71415bb4 KERNEL32!SetConsoleCtrlHandler
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\python27.dll -
00000000`007ef7b0 00000000`7035779f MSVCR90!signal+0x17c
00000000`007ef800 00000000`70237ea7 python27!PyOS_getsig+0x3f
00000000`007ef830 00000000`703546cc python27!Py_Main+0x21ce7
00000000`007ef880 00000000`7021698c python27!Py_InitializeEx+0x40c
0:000> g
Python 2.7.11 (v2.7.11:6d1b6a68f775, Dec 5 2015, 20:40:30) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import numpy
Breakpoint 0 hit
00007ffc`c25742f0 ff252af00400 jmp qword ptr [KERNEL32!_imp_SetConsoleCtrlHandler (00007ffc`c25c3320)] ds:00007ffc`c25c3320={KERNELBASE!SetConsoleCtrlHandler (00007ffc`bfa12e10)}
0:000> k 5
Child-SP RetAddr Call Site
00000000`007ec308 00000000`7023df6e KERNEL32!SetConsoleCtrlHandler
00000000`007ec310 00000000`70337877 python27!PyTime_DoubleToTimet+0x10ee
00000000`007ec350 00000000`7033766d python27!PyImport_IsScript+0x4f7
00000000`007ec380 00000000`70338bf2 python27!PyImport_IsScript+0x2ed
00000000`007ec3b0 00000000`703385a9 python27!PyImport_ImportModuleLevel+0xc82
0:000> g
>>> import scipy.stats
Breakpoint 0 hit
00007ffc`c25742f0 ff252af00400 jmp qword ptr [KERNEL32!_imp_SetConsoleCtrlHandler (00007ffc`c25c3320)] ds:00007ffc`c25c3320={KERNELBASE!SetConsoleCtrlHandler (00007ffc`bfa12e10)}
0:000> k 5
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for C:\Users\kevin\Documents\\venv\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\libifcoremd.dll -
Child-SP RetAddr Call Site
00000000`007ed818 00007ffc`828309eb KERNEL32!SetConsoleCtrlHandler
00000000`007ed820 00007ffc`828dfa44 libifcoremd!GETEXCEPTIONPTRSQQ+0xdb
00000000`007ed880 00007ffc`828e59d7 libifcoremd!for_lt_ne+0xc274
00000000`007ed8b0 00007ffc`828e5aff libifcoremd!for_lt_ne+0x12207
00000000`007ed8e0 00007ffc`c292ddc7 libifcoremd!for_lt_ne+0x1232f
0:000> ub 00007ffc`828309eb
00007ffc`828309cb 00e8 add al,ch
00007ffc`828309cd df040b fild word ptr [rbx+rcx]
00007ffc`828309d0 0033 add byte ptr [rbx],dh
00007ffc`828309d2 c9 leave
00007ffc`828309d3 ff15bf390e00 call qword ptr [libifcoremd!for_lt_ne+0x40bc8 (00007ffc`82914398)]
00007ffc`828309d9 488d0d00efffff lea rcx,[libifcoremd!for_rtl_finish_+0x20 (00007ffc`8282f8e0)]
00007ffc`828309e0 ba01000000 mov edx,1
00007ffc`828309e5 ff158d390e00 call qword ptr [libifcoremd!for_lt_ne+0x40ba8 (00007ffc`82914378)]
0:000> ? 00007ffc`828309eb - 00007ffc`828309d9
Evaluate expression: 18 = 00000000`00000012
0:000> f 00007ffc`828309d9 L2 eb 10
Filled 0x2 bytes
0:000> ub 00007ffc`828309eb
00007ffc`828309ce 040b add al,0Bh
00007ffc`828309d0 0033 add byte ptr [rbx],dh
00007ffc`828309d2 c9 leave
00007ffc`828309d3 ff15bf390e00 call qword ptr [libifcoremd!for_lt_ne+0x40bc8 (00007ffc`82914398)]
00007ffc`828309d9 eb10 jmp libifcoremd!GETEXCEPTIONPTRSQQ+0xdb (00007ffc`828309eb)
00007ffc`828309db 0d00efffff or eax,0FFFFEF00h
00007ffc`828309e0 ba01000000 mov edx,1
00007ffc`828309e5 ff158d390e00 call qword ptr [libifcoremd!for_lt_ne+0x40ba8 (00007ffc`82914378)]
我不知道.dll文件在这个过程中是如何映射的,所以我只是0d 00 ef ff ff
用十六进制编辑器在文件中搜索。这是一个独特的命中,因此我们可以计算 .dll 中的位置来修补。
0:000> db 00007ffc`828309d0
00007ffc`828309d0 00 33 c9 ff 15 bf 39 0e-00 eb 10 0d 00 ef ff ff .3....9.........
00007ffc`828309e0 ba 01 00 00 00 ff 15 8d-39 0e 00 48 8d 0d 0e 9c ........9..H....
00007ffc`828309f0 09 00 e8 09 2e 0a 00 48-8d 0d 32 9f 09 00 e8 fd .......H..2.....
00007ffc`82830a00 2d 0a 00 48 8d 0d ca ee-0e 00 e8 51 90 00 00 85 -..H.......Q....
00007ffc`82830a10 c0 0f 85 88 02 00 00 e8-38 fa 0a 00 ff 15 4e 39 ........8.....N9
00007ffc`82830a20 0e 00 89 c1 e8 d7 2d 0a-00 48 8d 05 f8 be 11 00 ......-..H......
00007ffc`82830a30 45 32 e4 c7 05 0b 4a 13-00 00 00 00 00 41 bd 01 E2....J......A..
00007ffc`82830a40 00 00 00 48 89 05 06 4a-13 00 ff 15 30 39 0e 00 ...H...J....09..
0:000> ? 00007ffc`828309d9 - 00007ffc`828309d0
Evaluate expression: 9 = 00000000`00000009
0:000> ? 00007ffc`828309d9 - 00007ffc`828309d0 + 3FDD0
Evaluate expression: 261593 = 00000000`0003fdd9
. 让我们看看它现在的样子:
Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.12.0002.633 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
CommandLine: .\venv\Scripts\python.exe
0:000> bp libifcoremd!GETEXCEPTIONPTRSQQ+c9
Bp expression 'libifcoremd!GETEXCEPTIONPTRSQQ+c9' could not be resolved, adding deferred bp
0:000> g
Python 2.7.11 (v2.7.11:6d1b6a68f775, Dec 5 2015, 20:40:30) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import scipy.stats
Breakpoint 0 hit
00007ffc`845909d9 eb10 jmp libifcoremd!GETEXCEPTIONPTRSQQ+0xdb (00007ffc`845909eb)
0:000> u
00007ffc`845909d9 eb10 jmp libifcoremd!GETEXCEPTIONPTRSQQ+0xdb (00007ffc`845909eb)
00007ffc`845909db 0d00efffff or eax,0FFFFEF00h
00007ffc`845909e0 ba01000000 mov edx,1
00007ffc`845909e5 ff158d390e00 call qword ptr [libifcoremd!for_lt_ne+0x40ba8 (00007ffc`84674378)]
00007ffc`845909eb 488d0d0e9c0900 lea rcx,[libifcoremd!GETHANDLEQQ (00007ffc`8462a600)]
00007ffc`845909f2 e8092e0a00 call libifcoremd!for_lt_ne+0x30 (00007ffc`84633800)
00007ffc`845909f7 488d0d329f0900 lea rcx,[libifcoremd!GETUNITQQ (00007ffc`8462a930)]
00007ffc`845909fe e8fd2d0a00 call libifcoremd!for_lt_ne+0x30 (00007ffc`84633800)
将参数推入堆栈和函数调用。所以不会安装它的 Ctrl-C 处理程序。