我在下面的代码中遇到了一个最令人不安的错误。即使我将其作为不可变 Map 传递,按钮 Map 也会发生变化。键保持不变,map 指向两个不可变的 Ints,但在下面您可以看到 map 在运行期间明显具有不同的值。我完全被难住了,不知道发生了什么。
def makeTrace(trace : List[(String)], buttons : Map[String, (Int,Int)],
outputScreen : ScreenRegion, hashMap : Map[Array[Byte], String])
: (List[(String,String)], Map[Array[Byte], String]) = {
//clearing the device
val clear = buttons.getOrElse("clear", throw new Exception("Clear Not Found"))
val thisButton = new ScreenLocation(clear._1, clear._2)
//updates the map and returns a list of (transition, state)
trace.foldLeft((Nil : List[(String,String)], hashMap))( (list, trace) => {
val transition : String = trace
val location = buttons.getOrElse(transition, throw new Exception("whatever"))
val button = new ScreenLocation(location._1, location._2)
button.label(transition, 500)
//reading and hashing
val capturedImage : BufferedImage = outputScreen.capture()
val outputStream : ByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ImageIO.write(capturedImage, "png", outputStream)
val byte : Array[Byte] = outputStream.toByteArray();
//end hash
//if our state exists for the hash
if (hashMap.contains(byte)){ list match {
case (accumulator, map) => ((transition , hashMap.getOrElse(byte, throw new Exception("Our map broke if"))):: accumulator, map)
//if we need to update the map
}else list match {
case (accumulator, map) => {
//adding a new state based on the maps size
val newMap : Map[Array[Byte], String] = map + ((byte , "State" + map.size.toString))
val imageFile : File = new File("State" + map.size.toString + ".png");
ImageIO.write(capturedImage, "png", imageFile);
((transition, newMap.getOrElse(byte, throw new Exception("Our map broke else"))) :: accumulator, newMap)
val buttons = makeImmutable(MutButtons)
val traceAndMap = TraceFinder.makeTrace(("clear" ::"five"::"five"::"minus"::"five"::"equals":: Nil), buttons, outputScreen, Map.empty)
makeImmutable 在哪里
def makeImmutable(buttons : Map[String, (Int,Int)]) : Map[String, (Int,Int)] = {
buttons.mapValues(button => button match {
case (x, y) =>
val newX = x
val newY = y
Map(equals -> (959,425), clear -> (842,313), minus -> (920,409), five -> (842,377))
Map(equals -> (959,425), clear -> (842,313), minus -> (920,409), five -> (842,377))
Map(equals -> (959,425), clear -> (959,345), minus -> (920,409), five -> (842,377))
Map(equals -> (959,425), clear -> (842,313), minus -> (920,409), five -> (842,377))
Map(equals -> (959,425), clear -> (842,313), minus -> (920,409), five -> (881,377))
Map(equals -> (959,425), clear -> (842,313), minus -> (920,409), five -> (842,377))
Map(equals -> (959,425), clear -> (842,313), minus -> (920,441), five -> (842,377))
Map(equals -> (959,425), clear -> (842,313), minus -> (920,409), five -> (881,377))
Map(equals -> (959,425), clear -> (842,313), minus -> (920,409), five -> (842,377))
Map(equals -> (959,425), clear -> (842,313), minus -> (920,409), five -> (842,377))