我不会制作 Chrome 插件,而是让窗口标题闪烁或使用 HTML5 通知。创建一个简单的页面来轮询您的 IMAP Gmail 以获取新邮件,并将 gmail 包含在一个大 iFrame 中。如果发现新消息,您的外部窗口可以发出通知。
HTML5 通知:http ://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/notifications/quick/
var newMailBlinker = (function () {
var oldTitle = document.title,
msg = 'New Mail!',
blink = function() {
document.title = document.title == msg ? ' ' : msg;
clear = function() {
document.title = oldTitle;
window.onmousemove = null;
timeoutId = null;
return function () {
if (!timeoutId) {
timeoutId = setInterval(blink, 1000);
window.onmousemove = clear;
PHP Poll Gmail IMAP(从this采用):
$t1=time();//mark time in
$tt=$t1+(60*1);//total time = t1 + n seconds
if(isset($t2)) unset($t2);//clean it at every loop cicle
$t2=time();//mark time
if(imap_num_msg($imap)!=0){//if there is any message (in the inbox)
$mc=imap_check($imap);//messages check
//var_dump($mc); die;//vardump it to see all the data it is possible to get with imap_check() and them customize it for yourself
echo 'New messages available';
}else echo 'No new messagens';
sleep(rand(7,13));//Give Google server a breack
if(!@imap_ping($imap)){//if the connection is not up
//start the imap connection the normal way like you did at first
}while($tt>$t2);//if the total time was not achivied yet, get back to the beginning of the loop
jQuery AJAX 轮询到您的 IMAP 脚本(从此 采用):
// make the AJAX request
function ajax_request() {
url: '/path/to/gmail/imap/checkMessages.php',
dataType: 'json',
error: function(xhr_data) {
// terminate the script
success: function(xhr_data) {
if (xhr_data.status == 'No new messages') {
setTimeout(function() { ajax_request(); }, 15000); // wait 15 seconds than call ajax request again
} else {
newMailBlinker(); // blink the title here for new messages
contentType: 'application/json'
显然你不会使用 jQuery 和 PHP 来投票。选择一个进行投票。我建议让客户端进行轮询,并让 PHP 在每次连接时检查 IMAP。话虽这么说,这些片段应该让你开始:)