1. 如何从 C# 驱动程序获取 MongoDB 当前服务器时间?

  2. 如果我有多个分片和副本集,monogo 是否允许它们的时间不同步?

  3. 至于情况2,如果几台服务器的时间不同步,我会得到哪个服务器时间?


1 回答 1


It is a very bad idea to run any cluster without synchronizing the clocks across all of them via NTP or something equivalent.

In a sharded cluster with replica sets for shards the number of problems you may run into if your clocks drift out of sync are numerous and difficult to diagnose.

Use ntpd and as an added advantage you can then use current time from your C# app server without worrying about it being different than the server time.

于 2013-03-16T15:27:37.077 回答