我正在尝试为有关结构的分配创建一个程序。这个想法是创建一个包含名字和姓氏、电话号码和电子邮件地址的变量的结构。我认为我的大部分代码都还可以——与 C 的现代编码标准相比,这可能是基本的,但这是我在课堂上的位置。
无论如何,我在尝试初始化电子邮件地址字段的 5 行中遇到编译错误,指出分配中的类型不兼容。但是,我在名字或姓氏字段上没有收到这些错误,我不明白为什么。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
Structure declaration, creating type cont
typedef struct contact {
char fname[20];
char lname[20];
int number[10];
char email[30];
} cont;
Start of main function
int main() {
int iMenu; //variable required for the menu
int iStorage; //variable used to store array entry chosen by the user
int iEntry1, iEntry2, iEntry3, iEntry4, iEntry5 = 0; //variables used for flagging assigned entries
because of the typedef declaration, the struct command
isn't necessary in creating an instance of the structure.
cont myContact[4];
we initialize the arrays contained within the structures
strcpy(myContact[0].fname, "\0");
strcpy(myContact[0].lname, "\0");
myContact[0].number = 0;
strcpy(myContact[0].email, "\0");
strcpy(myContact[1].fname, "\0");
strcpy(myContact[1].lname, "\0");
myContact[1].number = 0;
strcpy(myContact[1].email, "\0");
strcpy(myContact[2].fname, "\0");
strcpy(myContact[2].lname, "\0");
myContact[2].number = 0;
strcpy(myContact[2].email, "\0");
strcpy(myContact[3].fname, "\0");
strcpy(myContact[3].lname, "\0");
myContact[3].number = 0;
strcpy(myContact[3].email, "\0");
strcpy(myContact[4].fname, "\0");
strcpy(myContact[4].lname, "\0");
myContact[4].number = 0;
strcpy(myContact[4].email, "\0");
Creation of the menu to allow the users
to add entries or view them
while (iMenu != 3) {
printf("Please select one of the following menu options: \n");
printf("\n1. Input new entries into the phonebook");
printf("\n2. View entries stored in the phonebook");
printf("\n3. Exit the Program\n");
scanf("%d", &iMenu);
First menu option allows the selection of which
entry, and the storage of phonebook data
if (iMenu == 1) {
printf("Please input the entry in the phonebook you wish to change (0-4): \n");
scanf("%d", iStorage);
printf("Please input the first name of your new contact: \n");
scanf("%s", myContact[iStorage].fname);
printf("Please input the last name of your new contact: \n");
scanf("%s", myContact[iStorage].lname);
printf("Please input the phone number of your new contact: \n");
scanf("%d", myContact[iStorage].number);
printf("Please input the e-mail address of your new contact: \n");
scanf("%s", myContact[iStorage].email);
Nested if statement sets the variable to
flag if an entry has been made
if (iStorage == 0)
iEntry1 = 1;
else if (iStorage == 1)
iEntry2 = 1;
else if (iStorage == 2)
iEntry3 = 1;
else if (iStorage == 3)
iEntry4 = 1;
else if (iStorage == 4)
iEntry5 = 1;
Menu option 2 allows the user to display
stored phonebook entries, using the iEntry
variables as flags to determine which ones
to display
else if (iMenu == 2) {
if (iEntry1 == 1)
printf("%s %s phone number: %d e-mail address: %s", myContact[0].fname, myContact[0].lname, myContact[0].number, myContact[0].email);
if (iEntry2 == 1)
printf("%s %s phone number: %d e-mail address: %s", myContact[1].fname, myContact[1].lname, myContact[1].number, myContact[1].email);
if (iEntry3 == 1)
printf("%s %s phone number: %d e-mail address: %s", myContact[2].fname, myContact[2].lname, myContact[2].number, myContact[2].email);
if (iEntry4 == 1)
printf("%s %s phone number: %d e-mail address: %s", myContact[3].fname, myContact[3].lname, myContact[3].number, myContact[3].email);
if (iEntry5 == 1)
printf("%s %s phone number: %d e-mail address: %s", myContact[4].fname, myContact[4].lname, myContact[4].number, myContact[4].email);
else if (iMenu > 3) {
printf("Invalid Entry.");
return 0;