txtvec <- structure(list(`'511' ` = "MR Smith: Mr Speaker, I like the spirit in which we are agreeing on this. The administration of FUFA is present here. FUFA could be used as a conduit, but the intention of what hon. Beti Kamya brought up and what hon. Rose Namayanja has said was okufuwa - just giving a token of appreciation to the players who achieved this.\"",
`'513' ` = "MR Gordon: Thank you very much, Mr Speaker. FUFA is an organisation and the players are the ones who got the cup for us. To promote motivation in all activities, not only football, you should remunerate people who have done well. In this case, we have heard about FUFA with their problems. They have not paid water bills and they can take this money to pay the water bills. If we agree that this money is supposed to go to the players and the coaches, then when it goes there they would know the amount and they will sit among themselves and distribute according to what we will have given. (Applause) I thank you.\"",
`'515' ` = "MR Catalano: Mr Speaker, I want to give information to my dear colleagues. The spirit is very good but you must be mindful that the administration of FUFA is what has made this happen. The money to the players. That indicates to you that FUFA is very trustworthy. This is not the old FUFA we are talking about.\""), .Names = c("'511'\t",
"'513'\t", "'515'\t"))
> table( sapply(txtvec, function(x) sub("(^MR.+)\\:.+", "\\1", x) ) )
#MR Catalano MR Gordon MR Smith
1 1 1
txtvec <- c("\"511\"\t\"\nMR Smith: Mr Speaker, I like the spirit in which we are agreeing on this. The administration of FUFA is present here. FUFA could be used as a conduit, but the intention of what hon. Beti Kamya brought up and what hon. Rose Namayanja has said was okufuwa - just giving a token of appreciation to the players who achieved this.\"",
"\"513\"\t\"\nMR Gordon: Thank you very much, Mr Speaker. FUFA is an organisation and the players are the ones who got the cup for us. To promote motivation in all activities, not only football, you should remunerate people who have done well. In this case, we have heard about FUFA with their problems. They have not paid water bills and they can take this money to pay the water bills. If we agree that this money is supposed to go to the players and the coaches, then when it goes there they would know the amount and they will sit among themselves and distribute according to what we will have given. (Applause) I thank you.\"",
"\"515\"\t\"\nMR Catalano: Mr Speaker, I want to give information to my dear colleagues. The spirit is very good but you must be mindful that the administration of FUFA is what has made this happen. The money to the players. That indicates to you that FUFA is very trustworthy. This is not the old FUFA we are talking about.\""
table( sapply(txtvec, function(x) sub(".+\\n(MR.+)\\:.+", "\\1", x) ) )
#MR Catalano MR Gordon MR Smith
# 1 1 1
要计算每行 80 个字符的包装设备上占用的“行”数,您可以使用以下代码(可以很容易地将其转换为函数):
sapply(txtvec, function(tt) 1+nchar(tt) %/% 80)
#[1] 5 8 4