Here is the linkTo helper in my handlebars template
{{#linkTo '' nextPage target="controller"}}Next{{/linkTo}}
Here is my controller
PersonApp.PersonController = Ember.ArrayController.extend(Ember.PaginationMixin, {
itemsPerPage: 2
Here is the computed property in the mixin
nextPage: function() {
var nextPage = this.get('currentPage') + 1;
var availablePages = this.get('availablePages');
if (nextPage <= availablePages) {
return Ember.Object.create({id: nextPage});
return Ember.Object.create({id: this.get('currentPage')});
}.property('currentPage', 'availablePages'),
when I console log just before each return statement I can see the page id is correct ... yet my html isn't updated. Anything simple that I'm doing wrong in the above?
Also I do see a print each time I change the page (so the computed properties I depend on are being fired)
Here is a full blown jsfiddle showing that after you click next the first time ... it still points at /#/page/2 instead of /#/page/3
Thank you in advance