public boolean searchSummaryData(String textToFind) {
int fromRow, fromCol;
fromRow = summaryTable.getSelectedRow();
fromCol = summaryTable.getSelectedColumn();
if (fromRow < 0) {
fromRow = 0; //set to start point, first row
if (fromCol < 0) {
fromCol = 0;
} else if (fromCol == lastFoundCol) {
int searchIteration = 1;
if (fromRow != 0 || fromCol != 0) {
searchIteration = 2;
for (int iterate = 1; iterate <= searchIteration; iterate++) {
for (int i = fromRow; i < summaryTableModel.getRowCount(); i++) {
for (int j = fromCol; j < summaryTableModel.getColumnCount(); j++) {
final Object valueAt = summaryTableModel.getValueAt(i, j); //point to object at i,j
if (valueAt != null) {
textToFind = textToFind.toLowerCase();
if (valueAt.toString().toLowerCase().contains(textToFind)) {
//Map the index of the column/row in the table model at j/i to the index of the column/row in the view.
int convertRowIndexToView = summaryTable.convertRowIndexToView(i);
int convertColIndexToView = summaryTable.convertColumnIndexToView(j);
summaryTable.setRowSelectionInterval(i, i);
summaryTable.setColumnSelectionInterval(j, j);
//Return a rectangle for the cell that lies at the intersection of row and column.
Rectangle rectToScrollTo = summaryTable.getCellRect(convertRowIndexToView, convertColIndexToView, true);
lastFoundCol = j;
return true;
fromCol = 0;
fromRow = fromCol = 0;
return false;
上述方法的伪代码是什么?我正在努力理解状态变化。它应该对作为此方法的参数提供的文本的 JTable 进行增量搜索。