我的应用 ID 是“mrm”,所以我在 conf 目录中创建了一个“mrm.conf”。
然后我尝试了“play cloudbees-deploy-config mrm”,但在部署后我收到以下错误消息:
[success] Total time: 110 s, completed Mar 15, 2013 9:08:36 PM
[error] Not a valid command: mrm (similar: run)
[error] Expected '/'
[error] Expected ':'
[error] Not a valid key: mrm (similar: run)
[error] mrm
然后我运行play,输入:“cloudbees-deploy-config mrm”我没有错误,但是这种方式也部署了application.conf
include "application.conf"
我尝试按照此拉取请求中描述的说明进行操作: https ://github.com/CloudBees-community/sbt-cloudbees-play-plugin/pull/1
根据 play help 应该是这样的:
Deploy a configuration of your app to a Run@Cloud app id. Arguments are:
(1) the base name of a conf file in your project's conf directory, defaulting to "application"/
(2) Optional. The application id to which this configuration should deploy. You can omit this
arg if you have either set cloudbees.applicationId in the config file from the first
arg or have set the project ID in your PlayProject.
Example usage: `> cloudbees-deploy-config live`, where live.conf exists in the project's conf/
directory and contains a key cloudbees.applicationId.
关于我可能做错的任何提示?我需要它在 cloudbees 部署中使用 mrm.conf ......
play "cloudbees-deploy-config mrm"
更新:刚刚在我的博客上发布了解决方案的摘要:http ://www.poornerd.com/2013/04/08/how-deploy-play-framework-apps-with-different-configurations-to-cloudbees/