好的,我对 php 很陌生,我的问题可能非常愚蠢,但我已经尝试了所有我能想到的组合,但无法让它正常工作。



我现在主要关心的是空的画廊消息,但如果你能帮助我合并一个可靠的图像裁剪片段来创建更好的缩略图.. 请做:)

function lightbox_display($dir_to_search, $rel){
    $image_dir = $dir_to_search;
    $dir_to_search = scandir($dir_to_search);
    $image_exts = array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png');
    $excluded_filename = '_t';
    foreach ($dir_to_search as $image_file){
        $dot = strrpos($image_file, '.');
        $filename = substr($image_file, 0, $dot);
        $filetype = substr($image_file, $dot+1);
        $thumbnail_file = strrpos($filename, $excluded_filename);
        if ((!$thumbnail_file) and array_search($filetype, $image_exts) !== false){
            echo "<a href='".$image_dir.$image_file."' rel='".$rel."'>
                  <img src='".$image_dir.$image_file."' alt='".$filename."' width='100' height='80' title='' border='none'/>
        } else {
            echo 'Currently there are no machines available for sale, please check back with us soon.';

更新了 php 编码:

我尝试将一个数组添加到 $imagesFound 以排除可能包含文件夹服务器端。

    function lightbox_display($dir_to_search, $rel){
    $image_dir = $dir_to_search;
    $dir_to_search = scandir($dir_to_search);
    $image_exts = array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png');
    $excluded_filename = '_t';
    $imagesFound = array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png') && 0;
        foreach ($dir_to_search as $image_file){
        $dot = strrpos($image_file, '.');
        $filename = substr($image_file, 0, $dot);
        $filetype = substr($image_file, $dot+1);
        $thumbnail_file = strrpos($filename, $excluded_filename);
    if ((!$thumbnail_file) && array_search($filetype, $image_exts) !== false) {
    echo "<a href='$image_dir$image_file' rel='$rel'>
          <img src='$image_dir$image_file' alt='$filename' width='100' height='80' title='' border='none'/>

    if ((0 === $imagesFound) !== true){
    echo 'Currently there are no machines available for sale, please check back with us soon.';

1 回答 1



$imagesFound = 0;
foreach ($dir_to_search as $image_file){
    $dot = strrpos($image_file, '.');
    $filename = substr($image_file, 0, $dot);
    $filetype = substr($image_file, $dot+1);
    $thumbnail_file = strrpos($filename, $excluded_filename);
    if ((!$thumbnail_file) and array_search($filetype, $image_exts) !== false) {
        echo "<a href='$image_dir$image_file' rel='$rel'>
              <img src='$image_dir$image_file' alt='$filename' width='100' height='80' title='' border='none'/>

if (0 === $imagesFound) {
    echo 'Currently there are no machines available for sale, please check back with us soon.';


如果您多次调用 lightbox_display(),并且仍然只希望消息显示一次,则可以返回找到的图像数量并使用它。像这样的东西:

function lightbox_display($dir_to_search, $rel) {
    $imagesFound = 0;
    foreach ($dir_to_search as $image_file){
        if ((!$thumbnail_file) and array_search($filetype, $image_exts) !== false) {
            echo "<img...";
    return $imagesFound;

$totalImagesFound = 0;
foreach ($galleries as $gallery) {
    $totalImagesFound += lightbox_display($gallery['dir'], $rel);

if (0 === $totalImagesFound ) {
    echo 'Currently there are no machines available for sale, please check back with us soon.';


于 2013-03-15T16:30:20.013 回答