为什么这段代码会用 CMUCL 溢出堆?即使我给它 400MB 内存(setq extensions:*bytes-consed-between-gcs* 400000000)
CMUCL 仍然会窒息它。
; [GC threshold exceeded with 12,012,544 bytes in use. Commencing GC.]
; [GC completed with 188,064 bytes retained and 11,824,480 bytes freed.]
; [GC will next occur when at least 400,188,064 bytes are in use.]
; [GC threshold exceeded with 400,202,280 bytes in use. Commencing GC.]
; [GC completed with 207,120 bytes retained and 399,995,160 bytes freed.]
; [GC will next occur when at least 400,207,120 bytes are in use.]
这段代码在 CCL 和 SBCL 上运行正常,尽管我没有查看它们的内存使用情况。
这是 CMUCL 中的错误吗?我相信所有这些函数都是尾递归的。
(defun sqrt-iter (guess x)
(if (good-enough? guess x)
(sqrt-iter (improve guess x)
(defun improve (guess x)
(average guess (/ x guess)))
(defun average (x y)
(/ (+ x y) 2))
(defun good-enough? (guess x)
(< (abs (- (* guess guess) x)) 0.001))
(defun mysqrt (x)
(sqrt-iter 1.0 x))
(defun zint (x acc step)
(setq num-iter (+ 1 num-iter))
(if (>= x 10000.0)
(zint (+ x step)
(+ acc (* step (mysqrt x)))
(setq num-iter 0)
(format t "result=~A; iterations=~A~%" (zint 0.0 0.0 .001) num-iter)
编辑: 是的,CMUCL 肯定会造成很多不必要的损失。试试这个简单的例子:
$ ~/cmucl/bin/lisp
* (defun foo () (bar))
* (defun bar () (foo))
* (foo)
; [GC threshold exceeded with 12,009,008 bytes in use. Commencing GC.]
; [GC completed with 111,816 bytes retained and 11,897,192 bytes freed.]
; [GC will next occur when at least 12,111,816 bytes are in use.]
; [GC threshold exceeded with 12,120,912 bytes in use. Commencing GC.]
; [GC completed with 120,016 bytes retained and 12,000,896 bytes freed.]
; [GC will next occur when at least 12,120,016 bytes are in use.]
; [GC threshold exceeded with 12,133,576 bytes in use. Commencing GC.]