我的数据来自外部 Json 文件
"info": [
"Name":"Noob Here",
<script type="text/javascript">
function loadData(fileName) {
// getting json from a remote file
// by returning the jqXHR object we can use the .done() function on it
// so the callback gets executed as soon as the request returns successfully
var data = $.getJSON(fileName + ".json");
return (data);
function fillDataTable(data) {
// iterate over each entry in the data.info array
$.each(data.info, function(index, element) {
// append it to the table
$("#div1").append("<tr><td>" + element.Name + "</td><td>" + element.Major + "</td><td>" + element.Sex + "</td><td>" + "<input data-bind='value: eng' value=" + element.English + "></td><td>" + "<input data-bind='value: jap' value=" + element.Japanese + "></td><td>" + "<input data-bind='value: cal' value=" + element.Calculus + "></td><td>" + "<input data-bind='value: geo' value=" + element.Geometry + "></td><td>" + "<strong data-bind='text: total'></td>")
$(document).ready(function() {
// the file's name. "Data" in this example.
var myFile = "Data2";
loadData(myFile).done(function(data) {
// check if we acutally get something back and if the data has the info property
if (data && data.info) {
// now fill the data table with our data
// This is a simple *viewmodel* - JavaScript that defines the data and behavior of your UI
function AppViewModel() {
this.eng = ko.observable("0");
this.jap = ko.observable("0");
this.cal = ko.observable("0");
this.geo = ko.observable("0");
this.total = ko.computed(function() {
var tot = parseFloat(this.eng()) + parseFloat(this.jap()) + parseFloat(this.cal()) + parseFloat(this.geo());
return (tot);
}, this);
// Activates knockout.js
ko.applyBindings(new AppViewModel());
<table cellspacing="1" id="div1">
我正在从 json 文件中获取数据。但是淘汰赛不起作用。
摆弄代码:http: //jsfiddle.net/KGKpw/