Progress :
1. I retireved date from a collection.
Example format : Fri Oct 05 14:59:31 +0000 2012
2. I was able to change its format.
// created_at = contains Date value
$pieces = implode(" ", $doc2);
//converted the array to string with space delimiting
$date1 = date_create_from_format("D M d G:i:s +O Y", $pieces);
echo date_format ( $date1 , 'Y-m-d G:i:s' );
//This is the format i would like to update in mongodb..
$filter = array('_id'=>new MongoId($doc['_id']));
$update = array('$set'=>array('created_at'=> newMongoDate($date2)));
Where to create a date object so that it could be updated to the documents in the collection in the expected format? (format : Y-m-d G:i:s )
P.S : I did a lot of research on Stackoverflow (And other places, as well.) but I could not come to any conclusions. That is why this question. Let me know if there are any clarifications