这是我的 ex48 扫描词典版本。我也是编程初学者,python是我的第一语言。因此,该程序可能无法达到其目的,但经过多次测试,结果还是不错的。请随时改进代码。
direction = [('direction', 'north'),
('direction', 'south'),
('direction', 'east'),
('direction', 'west'),
('direction', 'up'),
('direction', 'down'),
('direction', 'left'),
('direction', 'right'),
('direction', 'back')
verbs = [('verb', 'go'),
('verb', 'stop'),
('verb', 'kill'),
('verb', 'eat')
stop_words = [('stop', 'the'),
('stop', 'in'),
('stop', 'of'),
('stop', 'from'),
('stop', 'at'),
('stop', 'it')
nouns = [('noun', 'door'),
('noun', 'bear'),
('noun', 'princess'),
('noun', 'cabinet')
library = tuple(nouns + stop_words + verbs + direction)
#below is the search method with explanation.
def convert_number(x):
return int(x)
except ValueError:
return None
def scan(input):
#include uppercase input for searching. (Study Drills no.3)
lowercase = input.lower()
#element is what i want to search.
element = lowercase.split()
#orielement is the original input which have uppercase, for 'error' type
orielement = input.split()
#library is tuple of the word types from above. You can replace with your data source.
data = library
#i is used to evaluate the position of element
i = 0
#z is used to indicate the position of output, which is the data that match what i search, equals to "i".
z = 0
#create a place to store my output.
output = []
#temp is just a on/off switch. Turn off the switch when i get any match for that particular input.
temp = True
#creating a condition which evaluates the total search needed to be done and follows the sequence by +1.
while not(i == len(element)):
#j is used to position the word in the library, eg 'door', 'bear', 'go', etc which exclude the word type.
j = 0
while not (j == len(data)):
#data[j][1] all the single word in library
matching = data[j][1]
#when the word match, it will save the match into the output.
if (matching == element[i]):
#print output[z]
j += 1
z += 1
#to switch off the search for else: below and go to next input search. Otherwise they would be considerd 'error'
temp = False
#else is everything that is not in the library.
while (data[j][1] == data [-1][1]) and (temp == True):
#refer to convert_number, to test if the input is a number, here i use orielement which includes uppercase
convert = convert_number(orielement[i])
#a is used to save number only.
a = tuple(['number', convert])
#b is to save everything
b = tuple(['error', orielement[i]])
#conver is number a[1] is the access the number inside, if it returns None from number then it wont append.
if convert == a[1] and not(convert == None):
temp = False
#keep the switch off to escape the while loop!
temp = False
#searching in next data
j += 1
#next word of input
i += 1
temp = True
except ValueError:
return output
return output