我正在尝试缩放像素的颜色分量。为此,我正在创建一个新像素,其中每个颜色分量都是原始值 * 该颜色的缩放因子。结果像素的值必须在 范围内0 <= color <= 255
public class ColorScale implements Transformer {
/* This part creates a transformer that scales the color in each pixel by the following factors
parameter r0 = red factor
parameter b0 = blue factor
parameter g0 = green factor
public ColorScale(double r0, double g0, double b0) {
// need guidance as what to do here
public Pixel transformPixel(pixel p) {
return p;
更多信息在这里:http ://www.seas.upenn.edu/~cis120/current/hw/hw07/javadoc/ColorScale.html
我是 Java 新手,所以我只需要有关在 ColorScale 函数中做什么的指导。