我没有从服务器获取 HTML,而是在内存中已经有了 HTML 字符串,我想使用 Selenium 来检查它的内容。那可能吗?


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如果您愿意,可以将本地 html 文件作为字符串或本地 txt 文件进行操作。

以下是如何在 Ruby 中执行此操作:

require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'

# *** open a URL as a string or as a local txt file 
# *** strip the file out of unnecessary html tags and encode chars ***

$url = driver.current_url    
$txt_file = open($url)

$raw_contents = $txt_file.read    
$html = Nokogiri::HTML(CGI.unescapeHTML($raw_contents)).content
#here we strip the web page fetched out of all hmtl tags and encoded chars

$txt_file = File.new('c:\ruby193\bin\web-content\web_read.txt', "w") 
#web_read.txt should now contain a stripped, pure txt file

于 2013-03-15T11:03:04.003 回答