我会对此进行尝试...但请记住,由于您没有回应澄清请求,因此这可能与您的想法不完全一致。此外,我在没有访问运行 VBA 的机器的情况下执行此操作,因此可能存在一两个微不足道的错误。
Option Explicit
sub fillNN()
' we know there are five rows; number of columns is "approximate".
dim thisRow as Integer
dim s, c
dim r, rLast as range
for each s in WorkBook.WorkSheets
set r = Range("A1")
For thisRow = 1 To 5
set r = Range("A1").Offset(thisRow-1,0)
set rLast = r.End(xlToRight) ' find the last cell in the row
for each c in Range(r, rLast).cells
if c.Value = "XX" Then
c.Value = nearestNeighbor(c)
end if
next c
Next thisRow
' the nearestNeighbor() function left the "XX" on the value
' now we have to strip it:
For thisRow = 1 To 5
set r = Range("A1").Offset(thisRow-1,0)
set rLast = r.End(xlToRight) ' find the last cell in the row
for each c in Range(r, rLast).cells
if Left(c.Value, 2) = "XX" Then
c.Value = MID(c.Value, 3, len(c.Value)-2)
end if
next c
Next thisRow
Next s
End Sub
Function nearestNeighbor(c as Range)
' find the nearest "valid" cell:
' look to the left and to the right; if nothing found, extend the range by 1 and repeat
Dim rc, cc , dr, cs, s as Integer
Dim lastCol as Integer
Dim flag as Boolean
flag = true
s = 1 ' size of step
lastCol = c.End(xlToRight).column
' if c is the last cell, then the above will go to the end of the spreadsheet
' since we know there are "about 500" columns, we can catch that easily:
if lastCol > 1000 Then lastCol = c.column
' make sure there is always a return value:
nearestNeighbor = "XX"
While (flag)
For dr = -1 To 1 Step 2
cs = c.column + dr * s
If Not(cs < 1 Or cs > lastCol) Then
If Not c.offset(dr * s, 0).Value = "XX" Then
flag = false
' keep the "XX" in front so it won't become a "valid nearest neighbor" on next pass
nearestNeighbor = "XX" + c.offset(dr * s, 0).Value
Exit For
End If
End If
Next dr
s = s + 1
if s > lastCol Then flag = false
End While
End Function