I'm given this schema:
Emp(eid: integer,ename: string,age: integer,salary: real)
Works(eid:integer,did: integer,pct_time: integer)
Dept(did:integer,budget: real,managerid:integer)
I've written this query which lists the department codes along with the average ages of employees just fine:
SELECT d.did AS Department, AVG(e.age) AS Average_Age
FROM Emp e, Works w, Dept d
WHERE e.eid=w.eid AND w.did=d.did
GROUP BY d.did
However, when I try to do something like this:
SELECT Department, MIN(Average_Age)
SELECT d.did AS Department, AVG(e.age) AS Average_Age
WHERE e.eid=w.eid AND w.did=d.did
GROUP BY d.did
) MyTable
It returns the wrong Department ID. It just returns 0 for that column but it returns the minimum age of the previous table. However, the Department ID with the lowest age is 4. What am I doing wrong?