$arr = [
'fields' => [
'title' => [
'name' => 'Document.title',
'format' => 'string',
'readonly' => true
function doSomething(array $arr) { ... }
我想记录应该如何在 PHPDoc 中构造数组,但我不确定正确的方法是什么。
* Holds configuration settings for each field in a model.
* Defining the field options
* array['fields'] array Defines the feilds to be shown by scaffolding.
* array['fields'][fieldName] array Defines the options for a field, or just enables the field if array is not applied.
* array['fields'][fieldName]['name'] string Overrides the field name (default is the array key)
* array['fields'][fieldName]['model'] string (optional) Overrides the model if the field is a belongsTo assoicated value.
* array['fields'][fieldName]['width'] string Defines the width of the field for paginate views. Examples are "100px" or "auto"
* array['fields'][fieldName]['align'] string Alignment types for paginate views (left, right, center)
* array['fields'][fieldName]['format'] string Formatting options for paginate fields. Options include ('currency','nice','niceShort','timeAgoInWords' or a valid Date() format)
* array['fields'][fieldName]['title'] string Changes the field name shown in views.
* array['fields'][fieldName]['desc'] string The description shown in edit/create views.
* array['fields'][fieldName]['readonly'] boolean True prevents users from changing the value in edit/create forms.
* array['fields'][fieldName]['type'] string Defines the input type used by the Form helper (example 'password')
* array['fields'][fieldName]['options'] array Defines a list of string options for drop down lists.
* array['fields'][fieldName]['editor'] boolean If set to True will show a WYSIWYG editor for this field.
* array['fields'][fieldName]['default'] string The default value for create forms.
* @param array $arr (See above)
* @return Object A new editor object.
我的问题是,当生成 HTML 文档时,它的格式不是很好。另外,我不确定上面是否清楚地解释了数组结构。