// the usual helpers (BTW: I wish these would be standardized!!)
template< std::size_t... Ns >
struct indices
typedef indices< Ns..., sizeof...( Ns ) > next;
template< std::size_t N >
struct make_indices
typedef typename make_indices< N - 1 >::type::next type;
struct make_indices< 0 >
typedef indices<> type;
// and now we use them
template< typename Tuple, std::size_t N, typename T,
typename Indices = typename make_indices< std::tuple_size< Tuple >::value >::type >
struct element_replace;
template< typename... Ts, std::size_t N, typename T, std::size_t... Ns >
struct element_replace< std::tuple< Ts... >, N, T, indices< Ns... > >
typedef std::tuple< typename std::conditional< Ns == N, T, Ts >::type... > type;
using a_t = std::tuple<std::string,unsigned>; // start with some n-tuple
using b_t = element_replace<a_t,1,double>::type; // std::tuple<std::string,double>
using c_t = element_replace<b_t,0,char>::type; // std::tuple<char,double>