我对 PHP 很陌生,对 JQuery 也很陌生。
所以我写了一些 JQuery 来做一些计算,我在下面写了一些类似的东西:
//on change of a selectbox with the class item
$('.item').change(function() {
// set variable id as the id name of this id
var id = this.id;
// price variable is equal to the value of the element id 'hiddenprice'
price = $("#hiddenprice").val();
// number of items is the value of the select box
numberofitems = $(this).val();
// number of days is equal to a php variable I set on the page
numofdays = "<?php echo $length->days; ?>";
//totalprice is equal to the 'price' multiplied by 'numofdays'
totalprice = Number(price) * Number(numofdays);
//calculates final total by multiplying the 'totalprice' by 'numofitems'
finaltotal = Number(totalprice ) * Number(numofitems);
//updates the HTML with the new price
$('#'+id).html("€" + finaltotal.toFixed(2));
所以我想通过将值发布到 PHP 脚本然后返回值来进行服务器端的计算。
// POST values to PHP Script
$id = (posted select id);
$price = (#hiddenprice variable value);
$numofitems = (posted value of the select);
$numofdays = $length->days;
$totalprice = (int)$price * (int)$numofdays;
$finaltotal = (int)$totalprice * (int)numofitems;
//Then push $finaltotal and $id back to the user viewed page
$('#'+<?php echo $id; ?>).html("€" + <?php echo $finaltotal; ?>.toFixed(2));
再次抱歉,如果这很简单,我已经查看了 JQuery 表单插件,我只是想知道是否有更适合我想做的解决方案。