我正在使用 mysql CLI,但是结果显示总是环绕在我的终端屏幕上。有什么方法可以向 mysql 指定我的终端屏幕的大小吗?


2 回答 2


我找不到resize命令,但stty cols 150为我工作。在进入 mysql 命令行客户端之前,您必须在 bash 终端中执行此命令。

于 2017-02-14T00:23:57.130 回答

MySQL doesn't seem to have any settings for terminal linesize. If you're on a system with ksh or bash, try the following before launching the mysql command shell:

eval `resize`

[note the quotes are backticks] This should set the $COLUMNS and $LINES shell variables to the size of your window and ensure that the xterm knows how big it is.

于 2009-10-09T02:12:28.710 回答