我正在尝试在我的 ubuntu 10.04 上的 Eclipse Galileo 3.5.2 中安装 ADT 插件。但我得到了依赖错误。请帮我修复错误。


Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
  Software being installed: Android Development Tools 21.1.0.v201302060044-569685 (com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.feature.group 21.1.0.v201302060044-569685)
  Software currently installed: Eclipse Platform 3.5.2 (Eclipse Platform 3.5.2)
  Only one of the following can be installed at once: 
    Core Runtime 3.7.0.v20110110 (org.eclipse.core.runtime 3.7.0.v20110110)
    Core Runtime 3.5.0.v20090525 (org.eclipse.core.runtime 3.5.0.v20090525)
  Cannot satisfy dependency:
    From: Eclipse Platform 3.5.2 (Eclipse Platform 3.5.2)
    To: org.eclipse.core.runtime [3.5.0.v20090525]
  Cannot satisfy dependency:
    From: Android Development Tools 21.1.0.v201302060044-569685 (com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.feature.group 21.1.0.v201302060044-569685)
    To: org.eclipse.core.runtime 3.6.0

3 回答 3


ADT 插件页面状态

Eclipse Helios (Version 3.6.2) or higher is required for ADT 21.1.0.

您发布的输出显示您正在使用 ADT 21.1.0,因此,似乎是时候更新 eclipse 了:)

于 2013-03-14T12:16:03.537 回答

不再为 eclipse 3.x 烦恼

下载最新的 Eclipse (Juno - 4.2): http: //www.eclipse.org/downloads/

或者如果你只做 android 开发更好,下载 android 开发者包,它有内置的 eclipse 版本,预装了 ADT:http: //developer.android.com/sdk/index.html

于 2013-03-15T12:39:45.930 回答

您也可以在以下网址下载 org.eclipse.core.runtime-3.7.0.v20110110.jar:http ://www.java2s.com/Code/Jar/o/Downloadorgeclipsecoreruntime370v20110110jar.htm

于 2014-03-24T14:49:35.173 回答