有没有办法像使用 r 一样插入单个字符,但是像使用 a 时一样将其附加在光标之后(并返回命令模式)?
Some t[e]xt " cursor on e (in command mode)
Some te[x]t " input command I'm looking for, cursor on x and in insert mode
Some te[s]t " type s and go back to command mode
有没有办法像使用 r 一样插入单个字符,但是像使用 a 时一样将其附加在光标之后(并返回命令模式)?
Some t[e]xt " cursor on e (in command mode)
Some te[x]t " input command I'm looking for, cursor on x and in insert mode
Some te[s]t " type s and go back to command mode