所以,我是 python(我的第二语言)的新手,我正在编写一个 Dijkstra 算法的实现,作为我本科研究的一部分。
出于某种奇怪的原因,当我尝试使用 Unvisited.remove(Current) 从未访问集中删除当前节点时,出现以下错误:
Traceback (most recent call last):
Current Node:
File "H:\DijkstraShortestPath\src\Main.py", line 92, in <module>
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
Unvisited Nodes:
['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8']
Current Node:
Unvisited Nodes:
['2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8']
请注意,Current 是从列表中提取的值,而 Unvisited 是列表。
在浏览了这里的几个线程并以其他方式搜索互联网之后,我决定发布我的整个代码以避免任何混淆。当嵌套在循环中时,我注意到 list.remove(x) 存在某种问题(我的也嵌套在 for 循环中),但我不明白所有技术术语下面发生了什么。
#Main File
#Excecutes the Dijkstra Shortest Path Algorithm
#import Create_Network #Generates Network with 5 OD pairs as replications
testfile = "\DijkstraShortestPath\Backup And Tests\TEST"
Arcfile = testfile + "\Arcs.txt"
ODfile = testfile + "\ODpairs.txt"
Nodefile = testfile + "\Nodes.txt"
#Populate label, visited, and unvisited sets
#For initial conditions, label is infinite for all nodes except origin
#For initial conditions, all nodes are unvisited (including origin)
LabelArray = [] #Stores the distance labels for each of the nodes; has length
#equal to the number of nodes in the network
Unvisited = [] #Stores unvisited nodes, by NodeID
Visited = [] #Stores visited nodes, by NodeID
ODArray = [] #Stores Origin and Destination Pairs
#Get the origin and destination pair
with open(ODfile,'r') as f:
for line in f:
ODArray = line.strip().split(",")
Origin = ODArray[0]
Destination = ODArray[1]
#Set the first current node as the origin
Current = Origin
#Generate Unvisited nodes and Labels (all infinite, except origin)
with open(Nodefile,'r') as f:
for line in f:
LabelArray.append(float("inf")) #make all node distance labels infinite
NodeID = line.strip().split(",")[0]
Unvisited.append(NodeID) #Add NodeID to Unvisited
#Set distance for origin to zero
LabelArray[int(ODArray[0])-1] = float(0) #float(0) to match float("inf")
#Count number of lines and items in each line
#i.e., find out how many nodes and params for storage in ArcParams list
numarcs = 0
with open(Arcfile,'r') as f:
for line in f:
if line != '\n':
numarcs = numarcs + 1 #integer
numparams = len(line.strip().split(",")) #integer
#Store arc origin, destination, length to ArcParams list
ArcParams = [[0 for i in range(numparams)] for i in range(numarcs)]
with open(Arcfile,'r') as f:
for line in f:
params = line.strip().split(",")
ArcParams[int(params[0])-1][0] = params[0]
ArcParams[int(params[0])-1][1] = params[1]
ArcParams[int(params[0])-1][2] = params[2]
ArcParams[int(params[0])-1][3] = float(params[3])
for node in Unvisited:
#Find the nodes adjacent to Current AND in Unvisited
Adjacent = []
for i in range(numarcs):
if ArcParams[i][1] == Current: #search for origin = current
if ArcParams[i][1] in Unvisited: #checks if nodes found are in Unvisited
if ArcParams[i][1] != ArcParams[i][2]: #excludes Current as adjacent
Adjacent.append(ArcParams[i][2]) #Add node to Adjacent
#For each adjacent node, update distance labels
for node in Adjacent:
temp = float(LabelArray[int(Current)-1]) + float(ArcParams[int(node)][3])
if temp < LabelArray[int(node)-1]:
LabelArray[int(node)-1] = temp
#Add current node to Visited set
print "Current Node: "
print Current
print "Unvisited Nodes: "
print Unvisited
#Check for end-conditions; has destination entered Visited?
#Or is the smallest tentative distance infinite? Stop both ways.
if Destination in Visited:
if LabelArray[int(Destination)-1] == inf:
print "There is no feasible path"
print "Shortest distance found!"
print "Distance is: " + str(LabelArray[Destination-1])
#Select the Unvisited node marked with smallest tentative distance
MinDist = min(LabelArray[1:])
MinNode = LabelArray.index(MinDist) + 1
#Clear existing Current, set new Current
Current = MinNode