我有一个报告的 sql 查询,它包括一些子查询。它运行得很慢。我尝试了几种方法(例如使用联接而不是子查询,添加更多索引)。但他们都没有工作。这是查询:
declare @time_from datetime
declare @time_to datetime
set @time_from ='2012-01-01'
set @time_to = '2014-01-01'
select a.a_id, c.c_id, c.c_chat_line_id, a.a_first_name, a.a_last_name
,(select isnull(SUM(ac.ac_amount),0) from t_actress_credit ac join t_order o on o.o_id = ac.order_id where o.o_status = 1 and ac.actress_id = a.a_id and ac.ac_time>=@time_from and ac.ac_time<=@time_to) as credit
,(select isnull(SUM(ac.ac_amount),0) from t_actress_credit ac join t_order o on o.o_id = ac.order_id where o.o_status = 1 and ac.ac_is_paid = 1 and ac.actress_id = a.a_id and ac.ac_time>=@time_from and ac.ac_time<=@time_to) as paid_credit
,(select COUNT(1) from t_message pm join t_call_log l1 on pm.call_log_id = l1.c_id where pm.m_type = 2 and l1.caller_id = c.c_id and pm.m_time>=@time_from and pm.m_time<=@time_to) as pmsg_sent
,(select COUNT(1) from t_message pm join t_call_log l2 on pm.m_to_call_log_id = l2.c_id where pm.m_type = 2 and l2.caller_id = c.c_id and pm.m_time>=@time_from and pm.m_time<=@time_to) as pmsg_received
,(select COUNT(1) from t_message pm join t_call_log l3 on pm.call_log_id = l3.c_id where pm.m_type = 1 and l3.caller_id = c.c_id and pm.m_time>=@time_from and pm.m_time<=@time_to) as lcmsg_sent
,(select COUNT(1) from t_message pm join t_call_log l4 on pm.m_to_call_log_id = l4.c_id where pm.m_type = 1 and l4.caller_id = c.c_id and pm.m_time>=@time_from and pm.m_time<=@time_to) as lcmsg_received
,(select COUNT(1) from t_actress_live_minute where actress_id = a.a_id and alm_time>=@time_from and alm_time<=@time_to ) as live_calls
,(select isnull(SUM(alm_minutes),0) from t_actress_live_minute where actress_id = a.a_id and alm_time>=@time_from and alm_time<=@time_to) as live_call_minutes
,(select isnull(count(1),0) from t_call_log l where l.caller_id = c.c_id and l.c_time_out is not null and c_time_in >=@time_from and c_time_in <= @time_to) as total_calls
,(select isnull(SUM(DATEDIFF(minute, l.c_time_in, l.c_time_out)),0) from t_call_log l where c_time_in >=@time_from and c_time_in <= @time_to and l.caller_id = c.c_id and l.c_time_out is not null ) as total_call_minutes
from t_actress a
join t_caller c on c.c_id = a.caller_id
group by a.a_id,c.c_id, c.c_chat_line_id, a.a_first_name, a.a_last_name