我们的教授在网上发布了一个自定义的'String'模板文件,并要求我们填写以下功能。我的问题是,为了尝试理解这一点,为什么前三个构造函数Text = NULL;
在它下面有 ,this = source;
,它的其他形式。我觉得每个人都应该说Text = the_input_parameter
class String
// Default constructor
Text = NULL;
String(const String& source)
Text = NULL;
// Call the assignment operator to perform deep copy
*this = source;
String(const char* text)
Text = NULL;
// Call the assignment operator to perform deep copy
*this = text;
delete[] Text;
// Assignment operator to perform deep copy
String& operator = (const char* text)
// Ddispose of old Text
delete[] Text;
// +1 accounts for NULL-terminator
int trueLength = GetLength(text) + 1;
// Dynamically allocate characters on heap
Text = new char[trueLength];
// Copy all characters from source to Text; +1 accounts for NULL-terminator
for ( int i = 0; i < trueLength; i++ )
Text[i] = text[i];
return *this;
// Returns a reference to a single character from this String
char& operator [] (int index) const
int length = GetLength();
// Check for valid index
if ( (index < 0) || (index > length) )
stringstream error;
error << "operator[] - index " << index << " is out of bounds (0.." << (length - 1) << ")";
throw String(error.str().c_str());
return Text[index];
// The encapsulated C-string
char* Text;