
sudo port selfupdate没有返回任何错误。这是输出:

--->  Updating MacPorts base sources using rsync
MacPorts base version 2.1.3 installed,
MacPorts base version 2.1.3 downloaded.
--->  Updating the ports tree
--->  MacPorts base is already the latest version

The ports tree has been updated. To upgrade your installed ports, you should run
  port upgrade outdated

但是,当我运行时sudo port upgrade outdated,出现以下错误:

--->  Configuring expat
Error: org.macports.configure for port expat returned: configure failure: command execution failed
Please see the log file for port expat for details:
Error: Unable to upgrade port: 1
To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:

运行sudo port upgrade gettext返回以下错误:

--->  Configuring expat
Error: org.macports.configure for port expat returned: configure failure: command execution failed
Please see the log file for port expat for details:
Error: Unable to upgrade port: 1
To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:


我目前正在尝试dpkg在我的 Mac OS 10.7.5 上安装,所以我可以运行 theos sudo make package(它告诉我我不能这样做,因为dkpg没有安装)。

我按照这里的说明进行操作,但是在运行时遇到了问题sudo port install dpkg。这是错误:

--->  Configuring expat
Error: org.macports.configure for port expat returned: configure failure: command execution failed
Please see the log file for port expat for details:
Error: Unable to upgrade port: 1
Error: Unable to execute port: upgrade gettext failed


:debug:main expat has no conflicts
:debug:main Executing org.macports.main (expat)
:debug:main changing euid/egid - current euid: 0 - current egid: 0
:debug:main egid changed to: 501
:debug:main euid changed to: 502
:debug:main Skipping completed org.macports.archivefetch (expat)
:debug:main Privilege de-escalation not attempted as not running as root.
:debug:main Skipping completed org.macports.fetch (expat)
:debug:main Privilege de-escalation not attempted as not running as root.
:debug:main Skipping completed org.macports.checksum (expat)
:debug:main Privilege de-escalation not attempted as not running as root.
:debug:main Skipping completed org.macports.extract (expat)
:debug:main Privilege de-escalation not attempted as not running as root.
:debug:main Skipping completed org.macports.patch (expat)
:debug:main Privilege de-escalation not attempted as not running as root.
:debug:configure configure phase started at Wed Mar 13 14:55:32 CDT 2013
:notice:configure --->  Configuring expat
:debug:configure Using compiler 'Mac OS X clang'
:debug:configure Executing org.macports.configure (expat)
:debug:configure Environment: CPATH='/opt/local/include' CFLAGS='-pipe -O2 -arch x86_64' CPPFLAGS='-I/opt/local/include' CXXFLAGS='-pipe -O2 -arch x86_64' LIBRARY_PATH='/opt/local/lib' MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET='10.7' CXX='/usr/bin/clang++' CC_PRINT_OPTIONS_FILE='/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_textproc_expat/expat/work/.CC_PRINT_OPTIONS' F90FLAGS='-pipe -O2 -m64' LDFLAGS='-L/opt/local/lib -arch x86_64' OBJC='/usr/bin/clang' FCFLAGS='-pipe -O2 -m64' INSTALL='/usr/bin/install -c' OBJCFLAGS='-pipe -O2 -arch x86_64' FFLAGS='-pipe -O2 -m64' CC_PRINT_OPTIONS='YES' CC='/usr/bin/clang'
:debug:configure Assembled command: 'cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_textproc_expat/expat/work/expat-2.1.0" && ./configure --prefix=/opt/local'
:debug:configure Executing command line:  cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_textproc_expat/expat/work/expat-2.1.0" && ./configure --prefix=/opt/local 
:info:configure sh: line 0: cd: /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_textproc_expat/expat/work/expat-2.1.0: No such file or directory
:info:configure Command failed:  cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_textproc_expat/expat/work/expat-2.1.0" && ./configure --prefix=/opt/local 
:info:configure Exit code: 1
:error:configure org.macports.configure for port expat returned: configure failure: command execution failed
:debug:configure Error code: NONE
:debug:configure Backtrace: configure failure: command execution failed
    while executing
"$procedure $targetname"
:info:configure Warning: targets not executed for expat: org.macports.install org.macports.configure org.macports.build org.macports.destroot
:notice:configure Please see the log file for port expat for details:



3 回答 3



sudo port -fp uninstall installed



于 2014-01-12T11:50:22.847 回答

我今天也遇到了这个问题 - 最后删除了 /opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_textproc_expat/expat/work 中的 .macports.expat.state 文件,并执行了“port fetch expat” ' 手动确保最新的被带来。似乎在 2.1.0 上遇到了困难。

这样做之后,能够直接进行“端口升级 expat”,最终正确升级。

不太确定为什么 expat 2.1.0 升级有问题。


于 2013-04-22T11:06:46.057 回答

正如 Randy Howard 所建议的,我通过使用brew而不是安装 dpkg 解决了这个问题。port

链接在这里: http: //mxcl.github.com/homebrew/

正如 Randy 所建议的,让 Brew 启动和运行比使用 MacPorts 容易得多。卸载后者后,我运行上面页面中给出的 ruby​​ 代码,并且能够dpkg在几分钟内安装。

于 2013-03-14T01:56:32.617 回答