
@model dynamic

    var modelMetadata = Html.GetModelMetadataFor(model => model);
    var selectList = ReflectionHelpers.GetSelectListByEnumFor(modelMetadata);
    String name = //get property name;

用 get modelMetadata 没问题



Type enumType = GetNonNullableModelType(metadata);
IEnumerable<TEnum> values = Enum.GetValues(enumType).Cast<TEnum>();

IEnumerable<SelectListItem> items = values.Select(value =>
    new SelectListItem
        Text = GetEnumDescription(value),
        Value = value.ToString(),
        Selected = value.Equals(metadata.Model)

但是在这个时候我不明白如何服用 TEnum



2 回答 2


您可以编写一个自定义的 html 助手,它将为当前模型生成一个下拉列表(当然假设这个模型是一个枚举):

public static class HtmlExtensions
    public static IHtmlString DropDownListForEnum(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper)
        var model = htmlHelper.ViewData.Model;
        if (model == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("You must have a model in order to use this method");
        var enumType = model.GetType();
        if (!enumType.IsEnum)
            throw new ArgumentException("This method works only with enum types.");

        var fields = enumType.GetFields(
            BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.Public
        var values = Enum.GetValues(enumType).OfType<object>();
        var items =
            from value in values
            from field in fields
            let descriptionAttribute = field
                    typeof(DescriptionAttribute), true
            let description = (descriptionAttribute != null)
                ? descriptionAttribute.Description
                : value.ToString()
            where value.ToString() == field.Name
            select new { Id = value, Name = description };

        var selectList = new SelectList(items, "Id", "Name", model);
        return htmlHelper.DropDownList("", selectList);





@using System.ComponentModel
@using System.Reflection
@using System.Linq;
@model object

    var model = Html.ViewData.Model;
    if (model == null)
        throw new ArgumentException("You must have a model in order to use this template");
    var enumType = model.GetType();
    if (!enumType.IsEnum)
        throw new ArgumentException("This method works only with enum types.");

    var fields = enumType.GetFields(
        BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.Public
    var values = Enum.GetValues(enumType).OfType<object>();
    var items =
        from value in values
        from field in fields
        let descriptionAttribute = field
                typeof(DescriptionAttribute), true
        let description = (descriptionAttribute != null)
            ? descriptionAttribute.Description
            : value.ToString()
        where value.ToString() == field.Name
        select new { Id = value, Name = description };

    var selectList = new SelectList(items, "Id", "Name", model);

@Html.DropDownList("", selectList)
于 2013-03-13T12:12:03.830 回答

不幸的是,我不知道 asp.net 是如何工作的,但是在 .Net 框架中我使用了这个扩展方法:

public static IList<KeyValuePair<T, string>> ToList<T>() where T : struct
    var type = typeof(T);

    if (!type.IsEnum)
        throw new ArgumentException("T must be an enum");

    return (IList<KeyValuePair<T, string>>)
                .Select(e =>
                    var asEnum = (Enum)Convert.ChangeType(e, typeof(Enum));
                    return new KeyValuePair<T, string>(e, GetEnumDescription(asEnum));


var pairs = EnumExtension.ToList<ContenAlignment>();
comboBoxFormat.DataSource = pairs;
comboBoxFormat.ValueMember = "Key";
comboBoxFormat.DisplayMember = "Value";

也许您可以在 asp.net 中根据您的需要更改上述组合框代码。

于 2013-03-13T12:25:13.107 回答