我正在从 Allen Downey 的 Think Python 中学习 python,我在这里的练习 6 被困住了。我为它写了一个解决方案,乍一看,它似乎比这里给出的答案有所改进。但是在运行两者后,我发现我的解决方案需要一整天(约 22 小时)来计算答案,而作者的解决方案只需要几秒钟。谁能告诉我作者的解决方案如何如此之快,当它遍历包含 113,812 个单词的字典并对每个单词应用递归函数以计算结果时?


known_red = {'sprite': 6, 'a': 1, 'i': 1, '': 0}  #Global dict of known reducible words, with their length as values

def compute_children(word):
   """Returns a list of all valid words that can be constructed from the word by removing one letter from the word"""
    from dict_exercises import words_dict
    wdict = words_dict() #Builds a dictionary containing all valid English words as keys
    wdict['i'] = 'i'
    wdict['a'] = 'a'
    wdict[''] = ''
    res = []

    for i in range(len(word)):
        child = word[:i] + word[i+1:]
        if nword in wdict:

    return res

def is_reducible(word):
    """Returns true if a word is reducible to ''. Recursively, a word is reducible if any of its children are reducible"""
    if word in known_red:
        return True
    children = compute_children(word)

    for child in children:
        if is_reducible(child):
            known_red[word] = len(word)
            return True
    return False

def longest_reducible():
    """Finds the longest reducible word in the dictionary"""
    from dict_exercises import words_dict
    wdict = words_dict()
    reducibles = []

    for word in wdict:
        if 'i' in word or 'a' in word: #Word can only be reducible if it is reducible to either 'I' or 'a', since they are the only one-letter words possible
            if word not in known_red and is_reducible(word):
                known_red[word] = len(word)

    for word, length in known_red.items():
        reducibles.append((length, word))


    return reducibles[0][1]

1 回答 1

wdict = words_dict() #Builds a dictionary containing all valid English words...


但是, 对于您尝试减少的每个单词,您都会多次重新生成相同的、不变的字典。多么浪费!如果你制作这个字典一次,然后像你一样为你尝试减少的每个单词重新使用该字典known_red,那么计算时间应该会大大减少。

于 2013-03-13T11:31:16.943 回答