I have just began with Apache Solr 4.1 yesterday and though I have managed to get our MySQL data imported successfully in Solr, I am unable to view any data using queries. I suspect the problem is in schema.xml changes (data-config.xml is correct). Here are my questions -

  • Do I need to add all DB fields in the schema.xml? My table has 275+ fields, and configuring all of them would be a task. I am hoping there is a way to auto-configure these fields.
  • Is there a way to use separate schema.xml for my requirement? Where and how do I configure this? I don't want to modify the example-DIH's sample schema.xml

Any pointers here would be highly appreciated! I have already gone through this document - http://wiki.apache.org/solr/DataImportHandler

and I have also read few question posted here, but couldn't find answer to my queries.


1 回答 1


1)您在 data-config.xml 作为字段列中提到的所有字段都必须将它们添加到 schema.xml。没有可用的自动配置。
2) 不,我们不能使用单独的 schema.xml。

您能否显示您在 schema.xml 中提到的一些索引字段

于 2013-03-13T10:19:58.513 回答