$('<form method="post" action="login/makeLogin"><input type="hidden" name="fbphoto" value="'+image +
'"><input type="hidden" name="fbname" value="'+response.first_name +'"><input type="hidden" name="fbemail" value="'+response.email +'"><input type="hidden" name="fbid" value="'+response.id+
'"><input type="hidden" name="fbsurname" value="'+response.last_name +'"><input type="hidden" name="fbfriends" value="'+json +'"></form>').appendTo('body')
I create this form dynamicly with javascript. But when I try to send this form to a php function, it returns false when I try to access the fbfriends property the rest values work fine. The value of fbfriends is a string containing json, which I get using:
var json=JSON.stringify(response.friends);
If I dont stringify the json I get a string [Object object] when retrieving values in the php function. How can I send json through a form.