
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_member_patient_member_status" (of table x). The conflict occurred in database "D" table "y".

I want to INSERT the STATUS field of table y into table x but it gives this error because table x has this above mentioned FK (and table y does not have it as a PK or FK or any field for that matter)

As I understand it it couldnt reference it? I do not have rights to change FK's and PK's on system. What should I do to fix this?


1 回答 1


需要您更多地解释您的问题,特别是 FK 定义,看起来它不在 X 和 Y 之间,它应该在 X 和其他表格之间。请检查FK定义,如果您没有权限,则需要申请权限才能了解您的数据库,并相应地更新您的查询。我猜您需要先将表 Y 中的状态值插入到 X 以外的另一个表中,这会保存状态字典。抱歉,没有编辑评论的权限,所以将其发布为“答案”。

于 2013-03-13T07:22:47.747 回答